Beyond the Crescent: Praying for Muslims This Ramadan

Ramadan is a sacred month for Muslims worldwide—a time of fasting, prayer, and spiritual devotion. It is also a powerful season for Christians to intercede for the Muslim world, asking God to reveal Himself to those seeking truth. As Nigeria hosts a significant Muslim population, the Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association (NEMA) calls on believers to engage in 30 days of focused prayer for the salvation and transformation of Muslim communities.

Why Pray for Muslims During Ramadan?
The heart of the Gospel is that God desires all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:3-4). During Ramadan, many Muslims are more spiritually sensitive, seeking closeness to God through fasting and prayer. It is a strategic time to pray for divine encounters, dreams, and revelations that lead to faith in Christ.

Join the 24/7 Ramadan Prayer Initiative
This year, NEMA is mobilising a continuous 24/7 prayer movement throughout Ramadan. Our goal is to intercede for every moment of this sacred month, believing for a great harvest among Muslims. You can sign up for a 15-minute (or more) prayer slot each day and stand in the gap for God’s work in the Islamic world.

📍 Sign up now:

Using the Ramadan Prayer Guide
To guide our prayers, we are using the Ramadan Prayer Diary: Beyond the Crescent: Praying Through Islamic Beliefs and Practices. This daily prayer guide covers key Islamic concepts, practices, and challenges, helping believers pray with knowledge and insight.

Daily Focus Areas:

  • Core Islamic Beliefs & Theological Concepts like Tawhid (Oneness of God), Risalah (Prophethood), Akhirah (The Afterlife or Hereafter), Qadar (Predestination), Shahadah (Islamic Creed & Declaration of Faith) and Jihad
  • Worship & Pillars of Islam: Salah (Prayer), Sawm (Fasting), Zakat (Obligatory Almsgiving & Charity), Sadaqah (Voluntary Charity), Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca) and The Kaaba (The Holiest Site in Islam & Its Symbolism)
  • Islamic Law & Society: Sharia & Fiqh, Tawbah, Nikkah (Marriage), Talaq (Divorce), Apostasy in Islam and Rights, Roles & Cultural Practices of Women in Islam
  • Key Islamic Sites & Landmarks: Al-Masjid an-Nabawi (Prophet’s Mosque in Medina), Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, Nigeria Cities with Ancient Islamic Landmarks and the Almajiri System in Nigeria.
  • Special Focus on Muslim Families, The different Islamic Sects, Converts, and Witnessing

Download the NEMA Ramadan Prayer Diary 2025 here

What we are praying for
Dreams & Revelations: That Muslims will encounter Jesus in supernatural ways.
Open Hearts: That those fasting and seeking truth will find Christ.
Bold Witness: That Christian workers and churches will share the Gospel with wisdom and courage.
Persecuted Believers: That Muslim-background believers will stand firm in faith.
Multiplication of Disciples: That disciple-making movements will flourish among Muslim communities.

Be Part of This Historic Move of Prayer
Throughout history, every disciple-making movement has been birthed through extraordinary prayer. Let us join together, asking God for streams of disciples and churches to be birthed in Nigeria and beyond. Sign up, spread the word, and commit to standing in the gap for the fulfillment of the Great Commission among Muslims.

Sign up for 24/7 Ramadan Prayer Initiative today and download the NEMA Ramadan Prayer Diary

#RamadanPrayer247 #PrayForMuslims #BeyondTheCrescent #NEMANigeriaMissions

NEMA Month of mission-Friday, February 28, 2025

Topic: Harvesting at God O’clock
Text: John 4:35-38

Side view women working outdoorsJesus was intense and intentional about the harvest. It was passion and core focus of His ministry. You cannot read the gospel carefully and miss His heart and burden for the harvest. To Him, nothing really matters at all if it does not matter to God and His glory among all peoples. In every encounter with both Jews and gentiles; in virtually all His miracles and through all His parables, the harvest was always in the front burner.
He came for the harvest. He lived and died for the harvest. He actually called harvesting His food, the sustenance, or the nourishment of His being. To ignore the harvest is to fail the litmus test of a true disciple. Harvest without a labourer is a tragedy. He establishes the Church, as His labour force, for the harvest. To misunderstand or misinterpret the harvest and its season is disastrous! He once stunned on His followers in today’s text (John 4:35-38).
This jolted their fixed minds. A striking and consequential disruption of their calculation of times and seasons. Shifting attention from the burden in verse 34 to the timing and consequence of our harvest involvement. A heart for the harvest will help us gain some understanding of thrust in this passage:

•Jesus says, it is God o’clock! It is harvesting time. Take another look at what time and season you are in. It is time to bring in the sheaves. Don’t suspend your fruitfulness. If you read God’s time piece, harvest is right now upon us.
•Don’t postpone the harvest. Understand God’s seasons. Appropriate God’s season of the harvest and enter into the harvest. Don’t delay the celebration. Throne room will soon be filled with people from all tongues, language, peoples and nations.
•Sowing is ongoing, so is the harvest. The reapers and the planters are on duty together. You can’t be in and be left out, except by your own choosing. It is God O’clock. The harvest season is spaced to allowing fresh sowing, same time.
•At God O’clock the harvesters are being paid. If you enter into their harvest, you get something eternal for your labour. There is a lot more to harvest than your limited struggling efforts could grasp. The generation of starters are re-released into the generation of the finishers.
When your seasons and their harvests are God-timed, you’re harvesting at God o’clock! When you sow in the God’s a plot, you reap at God o’clock. In God’s calendar, every season has a harvest, and every harvest has its own season!

May our time piece be set to synchronize with God O’clock.
May the Lord connect our hearts with His timing for our seasons of the harvest.
May we not miss this revival birthing season of harvest of the nations in the horizon.
May read His piece in ways that help us stop postponing, delaying and denying the harvest.

Rev’d Canon Timothy Olonade, PhD
President, El-Rehoboth Global Missions

NEMA Month of mission-Thursday, February 27, 2025

Topic: Ordinary Men doing extra-ordinary exploits in the Ministry of Jesus
Text: Luke 2:8-9

Photorealistic portrait of people taking care of sheep at the farmGod’s use of ordinary people like you and me seems to be significant in the story of the life and ministry of Jesus. From Herod to the wise men, to Mary and Joseph, the selection was not from the Levites and priests. From today’s text, it was the shepherd at work, not in the Tabernacle or temple of the Lord. God seems to be making a clear point that we all can be a part of the story no matter what sector of the society we are in.
The Angel of the Lord visited the shepherd while at work. Their duty post was a conducive atmosphere for them to pay attention to divine encounter. God’s eyes are looking everywhere for those who are available and obedient to his call to duty. The angel of the Lord dealt with their fright, in verse 10. It is significant for the messengers to be the first beneficiaries of the message they carry for their world, in that way their excitement will affect the way they carry their message and reflect in their presentation. Don’t be afraid, you won’t lose your life. God will not allow you to be ashamed. He will defend his mission in your hands.

The Shepherds went on an errand that was delivered immediately. Verse 16-17, the Bible says: They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the Baby, lying in the manger. After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what has happened and what the Angel has said to them about this child. The shepherds in the field brought the news to the Priests, the Levites, the Doctors of the Law, the philosophers etc. Those who may question God and analyze His instructions before taking action lost the relevance to lay men on the field. The result was phenomenal, “All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished, but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often” (V. 18-19). The whole world is waiting for the good news from your lips. They don’t care which village or hamlet you came from, the school you attended or did not attend, one visit from the Lord and your sensitivity to his instruction can change your generation. Be sensitive to the signals to be both correct and current. You will not only be victorious but you will lead cities and nations to victory.

1. Pray that believers will be sensitive to God’s call and available for His use, regardless of their background or status. Ask for the grace to recognize divine encounters even in daily work and responsibilities.

2. Ask God to remove every fear and doubt that hinders His people from proclaiming the Good News. Pray for courage and excitement in sharing the message of Christ, just as the shepherds did.

3. Pray that the testimonies and witness of ordinary believers will astonish many and lead to the transformation of lives, cities, and nations for God’s glory.

Dr. Sylvanus Ukafia
Snr Pastor Insight Bible Church,
Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria


NEMA Month of mission-Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Topic: Unshakable Love Rom. 8:35
Text: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” (Romans 8:35).

Hearts on green plantDear brothers and sisters in Christ, today I want to remind you of a powerful truth that can anchor your soul in the midst of life’s storms. In Romans 8:35, the Apostle Paul asks a rhetorical question that echoes through the corridors of time, reassuring us of God’s unwavering love.
We live in a world filled with trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, and sword. These challenges can be overwhelming, making us feel like we’re walking alone in the dark. But Paul’s question reminds us that despite these difficulties, we are not separated from the love of Christ.
Paul’s question is not just a philosophical inquiry; it’s a declaration of the unshakable love of God. The love of Christ is not a fragile emotion that can be shaken by circumstances. It’s a rock-solid foundation that stands firm despite the fiercest storms.

This love is not based on our performance or worthiness. It’s not something we can earn or lose. It’s a gift that flows from the very nature of God Himself. And nothing – not even the most daunting challenges – can separate us from this love.
Dear friends, I want to leave you with a challenge today. When the storms of life rage around you, remember Paul’s question. Remember that nothing can separate you from the love of Christ. You are loved, you are valued, and you are cherished by the God of the universe.
May this truth anchor your soul, giving you the courage to face whatever challenges come your way. May you know that you are not alone, but are surrounded by the unshakable love of God.

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for the reminder of your unshakable love. We thank you that nothing can separate us from your love. We pray that this truth may anchor our souls, giving us the courage to face whatever challenges come our way. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Dr. Mrs Stella Ebiloma
Executive Director, Royal Harvest Supporters Foundation,
Abuja, Nigeria

NEMA Month of missions-Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Topic: Sustained and Victorious
Text: Romans 8:37

Man suffering from allergy by being exposed to flower pollen outsideYet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God, has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!
For their faith in Christ, believers often face hardship, rejection, and persecution. They are at the front lines of spiritual combat. Still, in Christ, they are not only kept alive but also triumphant. Romans 8:37 gives us great hope: because of Christ’s love, we are “more than conquerors.” This statement doesn’t promise a life without pain, but it does tell us that success is already ours, no matter what problems we face.
The phrase “through Him who loved us” tells us that God’s love for us has always been there for us. When believers meet opposition, they may feel alone or not good enough, but God’s love is always there to hold them up. Romans 8:38–39 makes it clear that nothing can remove us from God’s love in Christ, not even death, life, angels, demons, the present, the future, or powers.

Hold on to this truth: God’s love surrounds me! when we feel rejected or scared. His love is what saved, called to the ministry, gives you the tools you need to do His work, and keeps you strong when things get hard. According to 2 Corinthians 11:23–27, Paul’s life was full of pain, including beatings, disasters, jail time, and going hungry. But he thought these troubles were short-lived compared to the greatness that was to come (2 Corinthians 4:17). In the same way, our trials are not the end of the story. They are opportunities for God to display His power through your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
In John 16:33, Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” As you walk into difficult situations, remember that Christ has already secured the ultimate victory. It doesn’t matter how bad things look for you; you are part of His plan to win.
It’s not enough to just get through hard times to be more than conquerors. You have to thrive in spite of them. With this way of thinking, you need to focus on Christ’s success instead of your problems. Paul and Silas prayed and sang songs while they were in jail (Acts 16:25). Their happiness, which came from Christ, made them a strong witness, and the jailer and his family became Christians because of it.

Know this: your work does not go to waste (1 Corinthians 15:58). God sees every seed planted, every sacrifice made, and every tear shed. Jesus said that those who stay strong would get the gift of life (James 1:12). Focus on the happiness that will last forever in His presence.
Beloved, remember you are not fighting for victory but from victory. Christ’s love secures your triumph over every trial, and His Spirit empowers you to fulfill His mission. Stand firm, knowing that nothing can thwart God’s purposes through you. You are, indeed, more than a conqueror.

Rev Isaac Komolafe
President, Christian Centre for Missions, Family and Leadership Development,
Abuja, Nigeria.

NEMA Month of Missions-Monday, February 24, 2025

Topic: No Barrier!
Text: “Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded because through him the LORD had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy” (2 Kings 5:1).

This month is greatly regarded by the mission body in Nigeria as the month of missions. In it, we pray the whole country to follow the example of Jesus in yielding Himself to the Father’s will. Naaman did exploit. He was a great man and a man of rank. He brought glory to his nation but he was a leper. He needed help and he needed God as much as his people needed him. You are needed today for His Kingdom service. Wake up from your slumber.

The lesson to learn today is who are you serving and what impediment or impairment have you overcome to see that you stand with the Master of the harvest. Naaman was a leper. But that was not his weakness because he was a valiant man. We cannot take the world from Satan by being timid, weak, frail, or feeble. As a believer, nothing should stand as a barrier to serving the Master. If we are to conquer the devil, we must remove the veil of leprosy as Naaman did and face the duty. The duty of world evangelization.

There is more spiritual leprosy in our time than in Naaman’s time. Anything that stands against the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose is leprosy. May we stand up and stand out for the Kingdom.

Ask the Lord to reveal to you every impediment standing against you and the fulfillment of His task.
Commit to rededicating yourself to His eternal purpose. Ask for His sufficient grace to remain faithful and fruitful.

Bro Gabriel Barau
Executive Director, Go International

NEMA Month of Missions-Sunday, February 23, 2025

Topic: Triumphant Missionaries
Text: Romans 8:37

As we celebrate the 43rd anniversary of the Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association (NEMA) during this Month of Missions, our theme, “More Than Conquerors,” resonates deeply with the call to missions. It reminds us that even in the face of challenges, God has equipped His church to advance His kingdom.

The Call to Missions
The call to missions is not optional for the church; it is a mandate from Christ. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commands, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” This commission is reinforced in Acts 1:8, where He says, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
The theme “More Than Conquerors” reminds us that the church is not called to retreat in fear but to press forward in faith. The assurance of Christ’s victory gives us confidence to engage in missions, even in hard times and amidst persecution.

Why Missions in Hard Times and Persecution?
1.God’s Mission is Unstoppable: In the early church, persecution led to the spread of the gospel (Acts 8:1-4). Hard times do not hinder God’s work but often catalyse it.
2.Christ’s suffering as Our Model: Jesus endured suffering to fulfil His mission (Hebrews 12:2-3). Likewise, missionaries follow His example, knowing their labour is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).
3.The Harvest is Urgent: In John 4:35, Jesus said, “The fields are ripe for harvest.” The urgency of reaching the lost should compel us to act, regardless of circumstances.
4.Eternal Perspective: Romans 8:18 reminds us that “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” This eternal hope sustains missionaries in difficult seasons.

Reflective Questions:
1.How does the theme “More Than Conquerors” inspire us to engage in missions today?
2.What are the biggest challenges missionaries face, and how can the church support them?
3.In what ways can we, as individuals, participate in the Great Commission, even during difficult times?
4.How can persecution and hardship be used as opportunities for gospel advancement?

Prayers for Missionaries:
1.Pray for missionaries to be strong and courageous, knowing that the Lord is with them wherever they go (Joshua 1:9). May they have boldness to proclaim the Gospel without fear.
2.Pray that the God, surround missionaries with His protection as they travel and minister. That the Lord provide for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19).
3.Pray to the Lord, that their labour bear much fruit. Let the seeds they sow grow into vibrant, thriving communities of faith (1 Corinthians 3:6-7).
4.Pray that in times of hardship and persecution, the Heavenly Father reminds missionaries that they are more than conquerors through Christ. God sustain them with His peace and joy (John 16:33).
5.Pray that the Holy Spirit, prepare the hearts of those who will hear the gospel. To break down barriers and open doors for the message of Christ to reach the unreached (2 Corinthians 4:4-6).

As we celebrate NEMA’s 43rd anniversary, let us renew our commitment to the Great Commission. Let us remember that we are called to be “more than conquerors” through Christ, not by avoiding challenges but by overcoming them through His love and power. Let this month ignite a passion for missions in every heart, leading to transformative change in the nations.
To God be the glory!

Andrew Gwaivangmin
Executive Secretary, Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association (NEMA)

NEMA Month of Missions-Saturday, February 22, 2025

Topic: Riding to Total Victory on Kingdom Momentum
Text: Romans 8:37

Majestic Stone Castle on a Clifftop Fantasy Fortress ArchitectureNEMA is 43 years today and to God be the glory Great things he has done. Habakkuk Chapter 2:14 says the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea, the product of that reality is in Psalms 86:9 “All nations whom thou has made shall come and worship before thee, Oh Lord; and shall glorify thy name”. But all of that must begin from the Lord raising witnesses for himself from and in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost part of the earth.

Over 4000 years ago, God raised Abraham and his descendants from the lineage of Shem as witnesses to the ends of the earth. At the end of 2000 years and after Israel pioneered and ran with the Gospel from nation to nation, God raised the Romans and the Europeans to serve the same purpose among the Nations. In the last 2000 years after the death, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, the descendants of Japheth served gloriously and were gospel witnesses to all nations, Africa was a beneficiary of all three eras of modern missions pioneered by William Carey, Hudson Taylor, Cameron Townsend, and Donald McGavran respectively, now it is the turn of the descendants of Ham, the black race to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. This baton must not touch the ground until we reach the finishing line. Nigeria is the giant of Africa with a population of over 235 million in 2025 and an estimated 51% Christians. God has invested so much in Nigeria for Africa not to fail. In 2019, Africa was declared the home of Christianity in the world having the largest number of Christ believers than any other single continent of the world.

With Nigeria ranking the country with the most number of evangelical Christians in Africa, the message cannot become clearer than this! Nigeria is the harvest force of the end-time world harvest. Enroll to be counted and to make history.
For me personally, leading the National Executive Council of NEMA at this very challenging season in the life of the nation calls for revelation, humility and courage. My joy is the overwhelming support and resilience of the churches and missions’ community with one another to get the job done despite the daunting challenges of the economy, insecurity, youth unemployment etc. He that called us is faithful. He is able and He is willing. Let’s not break the rank, hand in hand let’s move the great commission to the finishing line. Congratulations on the 43rd anniversary of the Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association (NEMA).

Thank God for the vision and labors that birthed NEMA. Praise Him for the many breakthroughs that has happened through the strategic ministry of networking and catalyzing the Nigerian Church and her missions movement for missions.
Declare God’s blessings on NEMA today. Pray for her leadership at all levels, all missions leaders, missionaries, NEMA friends and partners etc. Ask that the association will receive renewed vigor to pursue God’s purpose among the nations.

Rev David Kanda
National Chairman of NEMA
General Overseer, Harvesters for Christ, Kaduna.

NEMA Month of Missions-Friday, February 21, 2025

Topic: United for Kingdom Victory and Triumph
Text: “And all the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.” Acts 4:32

Red heartsThe subject of Love and Unity is central to the character of God and cardinal to the achievement of Kingdom endeavors. Consequently, these virtues should be the governing principles in the lives and operations of members of the family of God, more so, in their achievement of the redemptive purpose of God. In fact, God’s Spirit works best in an environment of Love and Unity, when hearts are knit together in love.

In our text today, we see a graphic example of the bond of love and unity among the early Church, such that none felt what they had was their own, so they were able to share freely and voluntarily what they had such that none lacked. That was based on a recognition of other believers as brothers and sisters in the family of God. God’s family works best when its members work together in love and unity. As we celebrate 43 years of collaborative efforts in fulfilling the Great Commission mandate, it is pertinent to bring to the fore again and always, the subject of love and unity for total triumph and victory. As members of the same body of Christ, the design of God is that agencies and churches work together in the areas of their expertise in love and unity to fulfill our part in the Great Commission.

In view of the shortness of the time remaining before the return of our Lord and King, and the huge ground remaining to be covered in completing global evangelization, there is an urgent need for greater networking across Churches and Agencies, to positively harness all the resources of the Church in the spirit of love and unity for a holistic response to finishing the remaining task. Since iron sharpens iron, there must be something you’re doing or have that the rest of the body can benefit from. There might also be something that someone else has that might be just what you need to do even better. We can only know this when we come together in fellowship. This is the basis of NEMA as the national networking association for the Nigerian Church and its mission movement towards fulfilling the mandate of the Great Commission.

Unity has power, and the weakness of the Church and the missions movement in advancing God’s mission is our division. Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church to rebuke them about the personality cults among them, emphasizing that Christ is not divided. The target of Satan is the unity of the Church and the Missions Movement around the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We should not allow him. Every believer should avoid division which is one of the things God hates and as with the early church, renew our minds in the spirit of love and unity to bring speedy completion to this mandate.
Prayer: Build your Church Lord, make us one Lord, deliver us from party spirit, Unify our hearts for the glory of your Kingdom among the unreached in Jesus Name.

Mike Adegbile.
Immediate past Executive Secretary of NEMA
And Movement Catalyst for Go North Initiative.


NEMA Month of Missions-Thursday, February 20, 2025

Topic: Why sit we here until we die?
Text: And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said to another, why sit we here until we die? 2 Kings 7:3

Someone once said “the fear of death kills faster than death itself”. Long ago when I was in the secondary school, I heard the rumor of a General in the Nigerian Army who committed suicide because his second in command told him to do so. The news of the coup they both planned had leaked and they were both going to be executed. This was a deception by the second in command to enthrone himself. As soon as the General was confirmed dead, his second in command took control and overthrew the government, becoming the head of state instead of his boss. There are so many in the graves today who died running from the battle than those who died in the war.

The main reason there are few laborers in the kingdom harvest field today is not necessarily because there are few potential laborers, but that many able-bodied potential laborers are afraid of dying in the harvest field of the nations. Fear is the greatest obstacle to millions of laborers arriving on the right harvest fields and arriving on time. I have learnt a few lessons from the story of these four leprous men at the gate of Samaria that I will like to share in this short devotion:

  1. God is always committed to performing His word through the obedience and labors of His servants who serves the Church in the purpose and in the interest of His kingdom and Glory.
  2. God just needs selflessness and faith in a few men to fight the war that the nations are afraid of winning.
  3. Whenever there is unity of purpose, faith is magnified in the right direction and God is committed to the miraculous.
  4. God can win the nations by himself, but He always waits for the feet of men to announce His coming to the battle fields.
  5. The victory of any denomination should be the breakthrough of the entire church, you may have fought the battle alone with God, but God wants you to share the harvest with all the brethren.
  6. Esther said “if I perish I perish”, these men were ready to die in pursuit of victory than to live a shameful life of agony and defeat.
  7. The same death you are afraid to conquer at the gate, will soon come to take your territory from you at home, the earlier you rise, the better for you.
  8. In Matthew 28:20 He said “and I will be with you till the end of the age.” The greatest guarantee of God’s victorious presence is on the harvest/battle field.

Ask the Lord to move the hearts of His disciples in Nigeria to the harvest field and magnify their faith to take the nations despite the risk; trusting God to preserve the harvest and the labourers all together.

Pastor Victor Idakwoji
Director of Mobilization and Networking
NEMA, Abuja, Nigeria.