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NEMA invites you to join us to contribute your quota to the fulfilment of the great commission by the Nigerian Church and benefit from our numerous mission-ministry enhancement services.

Membership of Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association is open to the following categories of groups and no individual persons shall be admitted as members of NEMA:

Criteria for Full Membership:
Full Membership shall be open to any indigenous evangelical missions agency, be they denominational, interdenominational or non-denominational upon satisfaction of the following conditions:

  1. Be in complete agreement with the Association’s statement of faith, members’ basic conducts/standards and be willing to sign it.
  2. Have at least four missionaries in a cross-cultural setting.
  3. Submit a copy of their constitution to the Association’s office.
  4. Have a well organised Board or Committee which regulates and controls all their missions activities.
  5. Have a leadership and financial support that is mostly indigenous.
  6. Subscribe to the aims, objectives and activities of the Association by signing the prescribed form.
  7. Fulfil their financial obligations to the Association.
  8. Be of a good repute among other evangelical missions agencies.
  9. Have no political affiliation or ethnic exclusivity.

*** A group applying for Full Membership may be admitted as Associate Member if it fails to meet all the conditions above and may subsequently be upgraded upon satisfaction of all the criteria for Full Membership.

Criteria for Associate Membership:
Associate Membership shall be open to any indigenous evangelical missions agency either denominational or interdenominational which satisfies all the conditions for Full Membership except (2) above. In which case, a group applying for Associate Membership must have at least one missionary in a cross-cultural setting.

An Associate Member may be up-graded to Full Membership at any stage if it satisfies the criteria for Full Membership by having at least four missionaries in a cross-cultural setting.

  1. Special Membership shall be granted to two categories of groups as follows:
    Indigenous Christian organisations which are performing services or duties that are support ive of missionary endeavours within Nigeria.
  2. Foreign missionary groups or subsidiaries working within or from Nigeria.

The following conditions shall apply for admission of Special Members:

  1. Be in complete agreement with the Association’s statement of faith, members’ basic coducts/standards and be willing to sign it.
  2. Submit an evidence of their involvement and/or their activities that are supportive of missions endeavours within Nigeria.
  3. Have a well organised administrative body which regulates and controls their activities.
  4. Submit a copy of their constitution to the Association’s office.
  5. Subscribe to the aims, objectives and activities of the Association by signing a prescribed form.
  6. Fulfil their financial obligations to the Association.
  7. Be of a good repute among other evangelical missions agencies.
  8. Have no political affiliation or ethnic exclusivity.
  1. Missions Agencies and/or Mission related bodies as described above may apply for the membership of the Association only after it has been incorporated with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria as may be appropriate. In the event that the (i) above is not completed there must be evidence that at least such group must have commenced the process of incorporation.
  2. Prospective members shall apply in writing for information and application form from the Association’s Secretariat.
  3. Completed application forms will first all be reviewed by the Executive Committee of the Association. The review may or may not include an interview to be conducted by a committee of the Executive.
  4. Full acceptance shall be at the General Assembly after which registration fees as fixed by the Executive from time to time shall be paid at the time of registration.
  5. New members shall be on probationary status for a period of 12 Calendar months following which the membership shall be formally ratified with all responsibilities and privileges thereupon.
  1. The Association shall have the right to deny or withdraw membership from any group that the Association feels its membership shall be injurious to its aims, objectives and the mission statement.
  2. The Association shall give three months notice to any erring member to terminate the membership of such member agency if it is satisfactorily proved that such an action will be in the interest of the Association, other members and the general missions movement in Nigeria.
  3. At least three months notice shall be given in writing to the Executive Secretary by any member agency intending to withdraw its membership from the Association giving the reasons thereof.
  4. In the event that a member agency persistently violates the constitution of the Association, the General Meeting will dismiss such a member.
  1. Before any group enters a new area, thorough survey of the field and consultation with missions groups working in the area shall be made.
  2. Where existing missions agencies are handicapped in resources, they shall not hinder others from getting involved in the area.
  3. As much as possible, unhealthy competition and duplication of efforts shall be avoided. And no ‘Sheep stealing’ shall be entertained.
  4. A released worker from another missions agency shall not be accepted by another NEMA member agency without prior consultation with his/her former missions agency.
  5. No missions agency shall accept a staff of another NEMA member missions agency under discipline into its employment.
Groups willing to join NEMA need to be informed that the General Assembly of the Association holds twice a year during the first and the last quarters. At such meetings, the voting power shall be vested in the official delegates as specified below:
  1. All Full Members shall have 3 seats, one of which must be the CEO of the agency as official delegate to General Assembly.
  2. All Associate Members shall be entitled to 2 seats at each General Assembly.
  3. Special Members shall have a seat each at the General Assembly.
  4. These registered representatives will receive all correspondences from the Association on behalf of their agency and are required to attend all GA unless where it is practically impossible and should be communicated in writing.
  5. Member agencies shall be entitled to subsidized fare/fees or other forms of payment waiver, where feasible, on any event run by the Association.
  6. Members shall have privileges over and above non-members in matters relating to international and local assistance to mission agencies and missionaries, contacts and ministry opportunities.
  1. Members shall be entitled to attend conferences, seminars, etc organized by or in collaboration with NEMA.
  2. Member shall also receive minutes of meetings, newsletters, other materials issued by NEMA and have access to NEMA resource materials, e.g. Basic Research findings etc.
  3. Full members shall be entitled to three official/accredited delegates at National General Assembly while Associates shall be entitled to two, and Special Members shall have one.
  4. Members shall be entitled to reasonable subsidies where applicable, for NEMA conferences, seminars, consultations and other professional services.
  5. Members shall be entitled to a recommendation by NEMA for Internal or External aid when the need arises.

Initiate Membership Registration