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Networking, Empowering, Mobilising and Advancing the Nigeria Church for Global Missions Since 1982.
Networking, Empowering, Mobilising and Advancing the Nigeria Church for Global Missions Since 1982.
Networking, Empowering, Mobilising and Advancing the Nigeria Church for Global Missions Since 1982.
Networking, Empowering, Mobilising and Advancing the Nigeria Church for Global Missions Since 1982.

NEMA's vision is

to see a completed Great Commission through the active involvement of the Nigerian Church and Missions Movement in all the unreached nations of the world.

Mr. Andrew Gwaivangmin

Executive Secretary, NEMA

NEMA, Africa’s foremost and largest missions network

The Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association (NEMA) is the networking association and fellowship forum for Nigeria Missions Movement, providing resources and a united platform for the Nigeria Church for World Evangelization.

NEMA accelerates the fulfillment of the Great Commission through mobilization, capacity building, local and global partnerships and networks among churches, mission agencies, and individual Christians globally.

NEMA is not a sending agency. The association deploys its resources strategically to maximize the gains of synergy between the church and mission agencies as they fulfil their mission mandates.

Our Programs

NEMA is positioned to add value to your missional praxis through:

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (PSP)

The Perspectives Study Program provides a single, most comprehensive source of information on the unfinished task of world evangelization.

Strategic Training on Engaging the Muslims (STEM)

Find answers to all your questions about the world of Islam and be equipped to reach Muslims.

Global Engagement Training (GET)

Glimpse the heartbeat of the Missionary God and the world He loves, and be on mission with Him in this three-day dynamic mission and evangelism training.

Tent-Making Training

Are you considering using your profession or engaging in a business as a platform to do missions? Then, NEMA’s training on Working your Way To The Nations will definitely set you on course.

Church/Missions Administrators' Training Workshop

The Church/Missions Administrators Seminar is a 4-day seminar for Missions Administrators, Missions Accountants, Church Administrators and all those involved in facilitating the Missions enterprise to refresh and equip them

Timothy Leadership Training (TLT)

Timothy Leadership Training has equipped thousands of local pastors and lay leaders, and the Holy Spirit has worked powerfully through these leaders to transform the lives of individuals and entire communities

News & Updates

Keep abreast of what’s happening in the missions in Nigeria and around the world. Get informed.

October 7, 2024

Field Missionary Retreat 2024: Jesus, the Model

April 9, 2024

Ramadan Prayer Diary: Day 30, 9th April, 2024

April 8, 2024

Ramadan Prayer Diary: Day 29, 8th April, 2024


NEMA News & Updates

Get relevant and timely updates on our events, conferences and information on missions.

NEMA Prayer Alerts

Intercede for nations with us. Download NEMA Prayer Alerts or follow us on all our social media platforms to receive daily prayer note.

NEMA Events

We have conferences, meetings and training specially crafted to refocus and enrich your mission journey.

Nigeria Evangelical Missionary Institute

Training for Cross-cultural Ministry

Funded by NEMA, Nigeria Evangelical Missionary Institute (NEMI), is interdenominational and has trained candidates for cross-cultural missions since 1986. NEMI provides practical training in Cross-cultural ministry to its trainees and facilitates the leadership empowerment and manpower development of NEMA member agencies for qualitative missionary thrust within and from Nigeria.

Vision5015 Plus

Does your church or agency wonder which people group to engage with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ? What mission needs to pray for? Who the neediest people groups of the earth are and how best you can deploy your resources to impact the unreached peoples of the world? Then catch Vision 5015 Plus.

Vision 5015 Plus is the Nigerian Church and mission movement’s effort to mobilize 50,000 Great Commission believers and advocates, train, send and support 15,000 of them to 34 carefully selected countries beginning with the Core North of Nigeria, through Gateway to North Africa, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula all the way to the Jerusalem neighborhood.

Global Impact Travail (GIT)

In recognition of the place of effectual intercession in the Church’s soul-saving witness to a lost world and borne out of a determination to accelerate the thrusting forth of labourers to the unengaged harvest fields of the world as well as align with God’s global purpose to extend the blessings of the Gospel to the remaining unreached families of the earth, we are dedicated to interceding for the Nations of the world.

We meet in person every third Thursday of the month from 4pm to 5:30pm at NEMA Headquarters 91, Rayfield Road, Jos.

This concerted missions prayer meeting is also streamed live on Zoom, Telegram and our other social media platforms. Join us as we travail together until the nations of the earth are brought forth on their knees in worship before the Lamb.