NEMA Month of Missions-Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Topic: More than Conquerors
Text: Romans. 8:37-39

From our text, it is clear that in our walk with Jesus and missions endeavors (as field missionaries, senders, and missionaries in the marketplace) there will be overwhelming circumstances, challenges and situations that will daily confront us in different fields and terrains where we labor. Many may not voice it out because they have chosen a path to walk with the Lord and deliberately stay tuned at every phase He introduces them to. Hence, these several issues that we are faced with are part of the package to test our love and faith in Christ and build us more into a relationship with Jesus ranging from financial lack to stress and anxiety, persecutions, to afflictions and sicknesses, attacks (spiritual and physical), temptations and many more. The current economic situation, insecurity challenges, and general spiritual laxity have made the situation worse.

From our text, God’s plan for every missionary, sender, or believer is not just to be mere overcomers but to be “more than conquerors.” How then does living as overcomers differ from living as “more than conquerors”? Overcomers are people who struggle to get situations under control while those who are more than conquerors have gone beyond the struggles because they operate from the vantage point of victory by putting those situations under control at any time and at any point.

Whereas, whether as senders and/or missionaries in any field, we are definitely going to encounter struggles, challenges, issues, and confrontations. We must become resolute on a daily basis and make such affirmations like Brother Paul that “in all these things we are not just an overcomer but more than conquerors.” We must come into that place of covenant with the Lord just like Abraham said to the king of Sodom in Genesis 14:22, I have lifted up my hand unto the LORD, the Most High God, the possessor of heaven and earth, that irrespective of anything that comes our way we won’t change from serving the Lord or believing him.
Listen, if in all these things we cannot ascertain our victory or triumph through Christ and the validity of His word, then there are tendencies that those things will separate us from the Love of Christ. However, we must labor daily into that place of knowledge to resist those things that have tendencies to affect our love for Christ and faith in the one that has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Therefore, our new position in Christ is not that of struggling to overcome but a position of being more than conquerors. As we grow in love, faith, and our walk with God, we will realize and manifest our true position of being more than conquerors. God’s intention for you and me is to know that we are more than conquerors. No matter what we face in our pilgrimage journey, Christ is with us, His love holds us, His goodness sustains us and His grace covers us to the very end. Hallelujah!
So don’t give up, keep laboring in that mission field, keep sending support, keep interceding for missions, keep encouraging missionaries, and continue to be on mission with God even in your workplace and businesses. No matter the opposition and challenges, you are not just a conqueror, you are already more than a conqueror.

Dr. Olakunle Olukotun
National Director, Christian Missionary Foundation
Ibadan, Nigeria.


NEMA Month of Missions-Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Topic: Finding Security in God’s Unconditional Love
Text: Romans 8:35-39

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (KJV).

Life throws different strokes. Trials, hardships, and even the threat of death can feel overwhelming. But this passage in Romans offers a powerful antidote: the unwavering love of God in Christ.

Unwavering Love: Paul boldly declares that nothing – absolutely nothing – can sever the bond between us and God’s love. This isn’t just about feeling loved; it’s about an unbreakable connection rooted in Christ’s sacrifice.

Conquering through Love: Even in the face of immense suffering, we are “more than conquerors.” This isn’t about brute force or human strength. It’s about drawing strength from the love that sustains us.

Ultimate Security: The scope of this passage is breathtaking. It encompasses every conceivable threat, from physical dangers to spiritual attacks. God’s love transcends all these, offering a profound sense of security.

Embrace the Love. Consciously dwell on the truth of God’s unwavering love. Let it be your anchor in storms. Find strength in weakness. When facing trials, remember that God’s strength is perfected in our weakness. Also share the Good News. This message of hope is meant to be shared. Let your life reflect the transforming power of God’s love.

Lord God, thank you for your unwavering love. Help me to truly grasp its depth and experience its power in my life. Give me the courage to face any challenge, knowing that I am more than a conqueror through Christ. Amen.

Dr. David Umune
President, TETMI, Owerri, Nigeria
NEMA Southeast, Zonal Chairman

NEMA Month of Missions-Monday, February 17, 2025

Topic: Sometimes Victory Does Not Feel Like Victory

Text: Romans 8:35-39

After standing by a close friend’s children so that the siblings did not subvert her will, I was publicly embarrassed at the funeral. I didn’t react to them in anger but left quietly. A well-respected pastor who was part of the situation saluted my courage and admired my non-violent response. He told me, “You are truly a woman of God…!” Hmm! When I got back home earlier, I had wept before the Lord. I knew I had done the right thing by leaving the scene even though I was unjustly treated but deep down in me, I didn’t feel good. That was when this expression came to me, “sometimes victory does not feel like victory.”

Apostle Paul reminds us that nothing can separate us from the love of God. When Peter asked Jesus what would be their reward for leaving all to follow Him in Mark 10:28, Jesus’ response included so many nice things but there was a caveat in verse 30 that the nice things would come with persecution. This is the part that is not often talked about in the Church but has become the reality of many Christians.

We expect our lives as Christians to be smooth, straight paths that do not include challenges. We do not expect suffering to be part of our walk with the Lord. We are unprepared for how to respond to difficult circumstances that surround our lives and ministry. Jesus told His disciples, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33).

The fact is that when we walk in obedience to the Lord, we leave the outcome to Him. That is the path of victory in Christ. When a missionary gets killed on the field in active service; a missions supporter’s business is attacked etc, we experience a deep sense of loss and sometimes confusion because we know we acted in obedience but the outcome was not what we expected. Paul encourages us to keep faith in the knowledge that nothing can separate us from the love of God. He directs us to a counter-cultural perspective, “We are more than conquerors through Christ” Rom 8:37. He reminds us of the finality and assurance of our victory despite the onslaught of the enemy against us. Our victory is based on the finished work of Christ.

This is our reality as believers and is not subject to how we feel. We are called to walk in obedience and live in the light of the reality of His word no matter how we feel. So even when victory does not feel like a victory, as we walk in obedience to the Lord, let us rejoice in the fact that we are more than conquerors, and overcomers in this life!

We’ve been made more than conquerors
Overcomers in this life
We’ve been made victorious
Through the Blood of Jesus Christ.

1. Lord, help me to remain steadfast in obedience to You, even when the outcome is painful or unclear. Strengthen my heart to trust in Your perfect will, knowing that true victory is found in walking according to Your word.
2. Father, when victory does not feel like victory, remind me that my triumph is in Christ and not in my emotions. Give me the faith to hold on to Your promises and to see my trials through the lens of Your eternal victory.
3. Lord, strengthen missionaries, mission supporters, and believers facing trials for Your name. Fill them with courage, peace, and the assurance that nothing can separate them from Your love. Let their lives be testimonies of Your overcoming power.

Dr Mrs Nosa Tukura
Mission Suporters League
Jos, Nigeria


NEMA Month of Missions-Sunday, February 16, 2025

Topic: More than Conquerors
Text: Romans 8:37
Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us.” (Amplified Version).

LOVE: This word is the most powerful word there is. But it is also the most abused, misused, and misapplied ever! The children of God and the children of the devil talk about love. Every day, and everywhere, there is either a giving or receiving of love. The love in our text is unlike others. There are no two or three or more types of love. There is just “One Love” – others are but various shades of counterfeits and abuses masquerading as love. God is love (cf. 1 John 4:8). True love is self giving, not self-seeking. Consequently, as children of our heavenly Father, we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS and gain surpassing victory through Him Who loved us.
Lessons for Reflection

First, the triune love of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit was the basis upon which Paul could declare confidently that both himself, and “all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints” (cf. Romans 1:7), were MORE THAN CONQUERORS. In every generation, Jesus never promised His followers a cozy, comfortable life. Jesus stressed this truth, thus: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you]” (John 16:33, Amplified). Like Paul and the saints of old, we too must rest confidently on the fact that in spite of the turmoil and tribulations amidst us, the LOVE of the triune God over us is the foundation of our continuous declaration: “WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS!”

Second, our pressing on against all odds in accomplishing the task and ministry the Lord has in mercy handed over to us, is not so that we will be loved of God, but because we are already loved by God. We are not striving to be more than conquerors so that God will love us eventually. NO! We are already loved and accepted in the Beloved. John writes, “For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4, Amplified). We are more than conquerors NOT chiefly because we work to earn that ascription, but because we are born of God, Who loved us and gave Himself for us. If we are truly born of the Spirit (cf. John 3:6), then our entire make up (our ‘DNA’) is affectionately summed up by the One Who Himself has overcome the world as “MORE THAN CONQUERORS!”

Third, we must never allow the present difficulties, challenges, lack, persecutions, rejection, opposition, famine, economic or financial crises, distresses, death or life, not even fear of the future, nor the pressures from within and without, have the final say. The God who controls the universe is fully aware of these things. This means that His expectation over us is to walk through them and emerge victoriously (rather than live in self denial of these situations). The God Who comforts us in all our troubles is Immanuel. The only echo; long, loud, and unceasing as the present battle rages is that spoken by Jesus, the Captain of our salvation: “YOU ARE MORE THAN CONQUEROR!”

Dearly beloved, let us avoid all distractions and set our hearts to completing the ministry we have received in the Lord (cf. Colossians 4:16). John Piper notes, “A conqueror defeats his enemy, but one who is more than a conqueror subjugates his enemy. A conqueror nullifies the purpose of his enemy; one who is more than a conqueror makes the enemy serve his own purposes. A conqueror strikes down his foe; one who is more than a conqueror makes his foe his slave.” The Church of Jesus Christ is marching on, subjugating the enemy of the Cross. Surely, the gates of Hades shall not prevail.

1. Pray that the Lord will increase our faith to trust Him more in the face of diverse oppositions.
2. Let us thank the Triune God for showering on us such a unique love that enables us to daily walk in victory.

Daniel Bulus
Principal, Nigeria Evangelical Missionary Institute (NEMI),
Mista-Ali, Jos

NEMA Month of Missions-Saturday, February 15, 2025

Topic: A Gospel Worth Living and Dying For
Text: Romans 8:35-39

In the early hours of the morning of 22nd October last year (2024), I was pleasantly surprised and swept off my feet to receive the visit of one of the fathers of faith missions in Nigeria, Uncle Bayo Famonure, at my residence in Kuje, FCT, Nigeria. Uncle Bayo will be 77 years old in June 2025. Below is a message from him to his brethren from his hospital bed in Jos University Teaching Hospital, JUTH when recovering from a deadly attack on him and his entire household by Fulani herdsmen on May 5th, 2020, that left him, his wife, and son with bullet wounds. The bullet though shot at very close range, didn’t enter my skull. Then they shot at my leg, but it didn’t break any bone. It could only be God. I feel so humbled that he took that much care of me. The bullet that entered my wife’s back avoided the spine narrowly and stopped short touching vital organs by the whiskers. How can I thank the God who is like this? As I am writing, I am crying. I pledge my life to His service afresh! I believe this is a contemporary restatement of Apostle Paul’s declaration in Romans 8: 35-39.
Arch Bishop Benjamin Kwashi, also shared one of his experiences:

March 7-12 1987; one hundred churches were burned down in Zaria city. Over 300 Christian homes and businesses were destroyed and several persons were killed. I was the leader then of the Christian Association of Nigeria CAN, Zaria Chapter and the Lord asked me to tell the Church and Christian community to do nothing. I wrote that letter, it was circulated and the Christians watched the wanton destruction on a large scale. In 2010, I was in Jos as Bishop on the same date, 7th to 12th March, in three villages on the outskirts of Jos, Muslims massacred men, women, and children. The church leaders were convinced to beg the villages and church leaders to do nothing. They cried until their voices dried up and there was no strength to cry, they just watched. In 2006, over forty people came to my house to kill me, it turned out that I postponed my return home and they met my wife, they did unspeakable things to her, beat her left her half dead and totally blind, through the mercy of God she recovered six months later in the US. Exactly one year later, they came back, and this time, they met me at home. Over 30 people came.

They broke down the house. They broke the backdoor, came in, and took me out to kill me. They later changed their minds and said they would kill me in my bedroom. I pleaded with them to pray, as I prostrated before the Lord, about 2 minutes later my wife was holding my hands and 5 minutes later my son came and I said what are you doing here and he said Daddy they have gone. What chased them away, what they saw, what they didn’t see only eternity will reveal. Now, friends, I am not saying this to downplay those who have died. I have lost a classmate who was a pastor in Kaduna. He was roasted in His church. I have lost colleagues, brothers, and sisters who were slaughtered for their faith, Why I am alive I don’t know, but one thing for sure I know, until my time is up and I know I will die one day, blood crash, air crash, car crash whatever crash, until that day, I have a gospel to proclaim, I have a gospel worth living for and I have a gospel worth dying for! Amen

Ask the Lord to grant you a renewed commitment to Him.
Pray that you may remain relevant in God’s eternal purpose.
Bless the Lord for this year’s month of missions. Receive His blessings on the labors done in prayers and in mobilizing the Church and believers for the Great Commission.

Pastor Victor Idakwoji
Director Mobilization and Networking,
NEMA, Abuja, Nigeria.

NEMA Month of Missions-Friday, February 14, 2025

Topic: More than Conqueror
Text: Romans 8:37; John 3:16, John 21:17

Brave armored knight with professional weapon fighting isolated on white studio background. Historical reconstruction of native fight of warriors. Concept of history, hobby, antique military art.A conqueror is someone who overcomes another person in a contest. We must understand that a conqueror can also be conquered someday, but a “more than conqueror” can never be conquered, and that is who we are in redemption through Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

Many years ago, I tried to conceive the meaning of the word “Love”. I finally arrived at “Inconveniently making life convenient for another person”. In John 3:16, Christ loved us first and He gave His own life for us. How do we love him in return?  We must proclaim and demonstrate the gospel. Christ asked us to “feed His sheep (John 21:17, 18 and 19). That is how we express our love in return for His. We are created for His pleasure.

It is in doing His will that we also act out our status as more than a conqueror. We must continue till the perfect day, witnessing both to small and great (Acts 26:22). We will obtain God’s promises when we endure all the crisis as seen in Hebrews 6:15. There is no greater motivation that we need than to be aware, acknowledge and demonstrate that we are more than conqueror.

Everlasting God, give me the grace and strategies to serve you in the face of challenges and oppositions so that I can obtain your promises in Jesus’ name. (Amen)

Pastor Joseph Ejigbo
Royal Harvest Supporters Foundation
Ankpa, Kogi State


NEMA Month of Missions-Thursday, February 13, 2025

Topic: No Retreat, No Surrender: Advancing as More Than Conquerors
Text: “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” – Romans 8:37 (NIV).

The call to missions is both a privilege and a battle. For those on the frontlines of gospel ministry and those who support them as senders, the journey often involves trials, sacrifices, and spiritual warfare. Yet, Romans 8:37 reminds us of a profound truth: “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”

This assurance should embolden field laborers and senders alike. As soldiers in God’s army, we are not called to retreat or surrender in the face of opposition. Instead, we press on, knowing that Christ has already secured the victory.

Encouragement for Field Laborers: 
Field missionaries often face isolation, opposition, and discouragement. Yet, their work is grounded in God’s power and promise:
1. God’s Presence Goes Before Them: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9. The presence of God is the ultimate assurance for those in the field. He walks with you, fights for you, and strengthens you.
2. The Gospel Will Prevail: I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”- Matthew 16:18. Your efforts in spreading the gospel are not in vain. The victory belongs to the Lord, and His word will accomplish its purpose (Isaiah 55:11).

Challenge for the Senders:
As senders, you are vital partners in God’s mission. Your prayers, giving, and encouragement sustain those on the frontlines.
1. Generosity is Essential: “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” – Romans 10:14. Senders play a critical role in ensuring the gospel reaches the unreached. Your sacrifices enable others to obey the Great Commission.
2. Your Reward is Certain: “God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.” – Hebrews 6:10. Faithfully supporting missions is a service to God, and He sees every act of obedience.

Prayers for Missionaries: 
1. Pray that the Lord, strengthen missionaries to stand firm in the face of trials. Let their courage flow from His victory and their faithfulness reflect His love (1 Corinthians 16:13).
2. Pray that the Lord, give missionaries the strength to persevere in hardship. Let them not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time they will reap a harvest (Galatians 6:9).
3. Pray that the heavenly Father, inspire and sustain those who send and support missionaries. May their prayers, encouragement, and resources multiply the impact of the gospel (2 Corinthians 9:10).

The call to missions is a shared mission for laborers and senders. Together, as “more than conquerors,” we press forward, confident in Christ’s victory and committed to His command. Let us resolve never to retreat, trusting that every effort for the kingdom will yield eternal rewards.

To Him be the glory forever!

Andrew Gwaivangmin,
Executive Secretary, Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association (NEMA)

NEMA Month of Missions-Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Topic: What is Separating Us Now?
Text: Romans 8:35-39

2493918317In a world filled with uncertainties, pressures, pains, and trials, it’s easy to question our security in faith and the unconditional nature of God’s love. Paul’s powerful proclamation in Romans 8:35-39 stands as a rock-solid affirmation: nothing can separate our connection to Christ’s love. He poses thought-provoking questions that reinforce our assurance. Regardless of whether we confront personal struggles, societal pressures, or spiritual battles, the undeniable truth is that His love remains steadfast.

Think about the various obstacles Paul mentions—trouble, hardship, persecution. While these can seem overwhelming, he reassures us that we are “more than conquerors.” This doesn’t mean we will evade challenges; rather, it means that in Christ, we have the strength to endure and triumph over them. Our victories are not just about escaping difficulties and troubles but also about responding to them, grounded in the love of God. No problem can separate us from this truth.

Paul catalogs seven trials that threaten to separate us from Christ’s love and dismisses them all. He experienced six of them. He died by the sword. The Roman Church faced all these troubles and more. Paul could not promise things would get better. He could assure them that nothing would separate them from the love of Christ.

Take a moment today to reflect on your current struggles. Are fears, kidnappings, hunger, or challenges leading you to doubt your worthiness of God’s love? Bring these concerns before Him in prayer, asking for insight into verse 37: that you are not merely surviving but “more than a conqueror.” Let this powerful assurance sink in: regardless of what troubles you encounter, you are secured in God’s love. Allow this truth to resonate deeply: no matter how low you fall or how high you rise; you remain enveloped in God’s profound love. Consider sharing this message with someone facing similar struggles, reminding them that they, too, cannot be separated from the powerful love of Christ.

Do you think that the obvious gravity of suffering we are facing now nor the inward mayhem of distress, the relentless harm of persecution, the complete deprivation of hunger, the severe exposure of nakedness? Nor the ongoing threat of danger and the corporeal peril of the sword can bring you down or separate you from the Love of Christ? No, they cannot.

Dear Lord, thank you for your immeasurable love for me. Help me remember that regardless of my challenges, your love is unwavering. Empower me to embody this truth and share it with others. Strengthen my spirit to be more than a conqueror in the face of adversity, always rooted in your goodness. Amen.

Dr. Mrs. Ada Folajimi
President, Sojourners Missions International,
Kachia, Kaduna State

NEMA Month of Missions-Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Topic: More than Conquerors
Text: “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37).

In the heart of every missionary, whether on the field or servicing in support roles, lies a profound calling to demonstrate Christ’s victory over sin, death, and all the forces of darkness. The journey, however, is not without its challenges. The labor is often arduous from hostile terrains and cultural barriers to financial constraints and spiritual oppositions. Yet, the Word of God assures us that we are not merely survivors or victors but ‘’more than conquerors’’ through Christ’s unfailing love.

To be “more than conquerors” is to rise above the trials and turn them into testimonies of God’s grace and power. It means that even in persecution, lack, or rejection, we stand as living witnesses to the sufficiency of Christ. This assurance does not come from our strength but from the One who loved us and gave Himself for us. His victory on the cross secures our triumph in every endeavor, whether in preaching, teaching, giving, or interceding.

For field laborers, this truth brings encouragement amidst the reality of weariness and isolation. The challenges of adapting to new cultures, learning unfamiliar languages, and facing spiritual resistance can sometimes feel overwhelming. But remember, the One who calls also equips. In your weakness, His strength is made perfect. When you feel alone, He is the ever-present help. When the ground seems unyielding, He is the Lord of the harvest who makes all things fruitful in His time.

For the senders, the message is equally compelling. Your role in financing, praying, and encouraging missionaries is indispensable. Though you may not physically tread the mission fields, your obedience and sacrifice make you partners in the Gospel. Like the church in Philippi, who supported Paul in his mission, your generosity is a fragrant offering to God. Do not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, you will reap if you do not lose heart (Galatians 6:9).

But how do we walk in this reality of being more than conquerors?

1. Anchor in God’s Love: Paul’s declaration in Romans 8:37 rests on the foundation of God’s unshakable love. Nothing—not hardship, persecution, or danger—can separate us from this love. When we are secure in this truth, we face trials with confidence, knowing that victory is assured.

2. Abide in Prayer: Prayer is the lifeline of every missionary and sender. It keeps us connected to God’s will, empowers us for the task, and breaks down spiritual strongholds. Through prayer, we experience the partnership of heaven in our earthly assignments.

3. Focus on the Eternal Reward: The sacrifices made in missions are not in vain. Every seed sown, whether in the form of labor, finances, or intercession, contributes to the eternal kingdom of God. Keep your eyes on the crown that awaits—the reward of hearing, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

4. Encourage One Another: The journey is easier when we lift each other up. As Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, “Encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Whether through letters, visits, or simple acts of kindness, your encouragement can rekindle the fire in a weary soul.

Beloved, the call to missions is a call to conquer in Christ. Whether you are on the frontlines or supporting from behind, your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Stand firm, press on, and remember, through Him who loved us, we are more than conquerors.


  • Strength and Endurance for Missionaries:
    Pray that the Lord will strengthen every missionary facing challenges on the field. Ask that the Lord will remind them that they are more than conquerors through Christ. In times of weariness, isolation, or opposition, pray that the love and power of the Lord will sustain them, turning every trial into a testimony of Your grace.
  • Provision and Encouragement for Senders and Supporters:
    Ask the Lord to bless those who support missions through prayers, finances, and encouragement. Declare that they will not grow weary in doing good, and that they will see the fruit of their labour in the advancement of God’s kingdom. Pray that their faith be strengthened as they partner in the Gospel.

Dr Gloria Uchefuna
Executive Director, Global Missions Resource Centre
Church of God Missions International
Benin, Nigeria


NEMA Month of Missions-Monday, February 10, 2025

Topic: More than Conquerors
Text: Romans 8:35-38

a man climbing up the side of a cliffThere is no time that being a true Christian is more difficult than the time we are presently. The evil one dishes out all kinds of adversities on a daily basis just to ensure that we are crippled, polluted, and ultimately defeated. Despite these difficulties, we are to remain steadfast, holding the fort for the gospel. Today’s devotional reminds us that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus and not through our efforts or strategies.

As soldiers of the Cross, we are not fighting for victory but from victory. Our victory is already guaranteed, available, delivered, and sealed. We are empowered to overcome any obstacle through Christ’s love. This empowerment enables you to face challenges with courage and confidence. Paul’s persuasion is rooted in the depth of God’s love. He lists various things that cannot separate us from God’s love, emphasizing that nothing can break the bond between God and His children.

As God’s army, we can have unshakable confidence in God’s love and presence. This confidence enables you to face challenges with courage and perseverance, knowing that God is with us and empowers us to enforce the victory of Christ at Calvary over every situation. As you hold the fort for the gospel, especially in places termed as difficult but not impossible because nothing is impossible with our God, remember that we are not alone. God is with us and His love and presence empower us to overcome any obstacle. We are more than a conqueror, and God’s glory will be revealed through our ministries.

Action Plan
1. Reflect on the challenges you face as a missionary and how they make you feel.
2. Read Romans 8:35-39 again, and let the truth of God’s love and presence sink deep into your heart.
3. Write down ways you can apply the confidence and empowerment of being “more than a conqueror” to your daily life and ministry.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding me that I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. I acknowledge the challenges I face, but I confess that Your love and presence empower me to overcome daily. Help me to hold the fort for the gospel, even in the midst of adversity. Give me unshakable confidence in Your love and presence. May I emerge victorious, strengthened, and empowered for Your glory.

Evangelist Samuel Yahaya,
Global Glorious Missions, Kaduna