Topic: More than Conquerors
Text: Romans. 8:37-39
From our text, it is clear that in our walk with Jesus and missions endeavors (as field missionaries, senders, and missionaries in the marketplace) there will be overwhelming circumstances, challenges and situations that will daily confront us in different fields and terrains where we labor. Many may not voice it out because they have chosen a path to walk with the Lord and deliberately stay tuned at every phase He introduces them to. Hence, these several issues that we are faced with are part of the package to test our love and faith in Christ and build us more into a relationship with Jesus ranging from financial lack to stress and anxiety, persecutions, to afflictions and sicknesses, attacks (spiritual and physical), temptations and many more. The current economic situation, insecurity challenges, and general spiritual laxity have made the situation worse.
From our text, God’s plan for every missionary, sender, or believer is not just to be mere overcomers but to be “more than conquerors.” How then does living as overcomers differ from living as “more than conquerors”? Overcomers are people who struggle to get situations under control while those who are more than conquerors have gone beyond the struggles because they operate from the vantage point of victory by putting those situations under control at any time and at any point.
Whereas, whether as senders and/or missionaries in any field, we are definitely going to encounter struggles, challenges, issues, and confrontations. We must become resolute on a daily basis and make such affirmations like Brother Paul that “in all these things we are not just an overcomer but more than conquerors.” We must come into that place of covenant with the Lord just like Abraham said to the king of Sodom in Genesis 14:22, I have lifted up my hand unto the LORD, the Most High God, the possessor of heaven and earth, that irrespective of anything that comes our way we won’t change from serving the Lord or believing him.
Listen, if in all these things we cannot ascertain our victory or triumph through Christ and the validity of His word, then there are tendencies that those things will separate us from the Love of Christ. However, we must labor daily into that place of knowledge to resist those things that have tendencies to affect our love for Christ and faith in the one that has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.
Therefore, our new position in Christ is not that of struggling to overcome but a position of being more than conquerors. As we grow in love, faith, and our walk with God, we will realize and manifest our true position of being more than conquerors. God’s intention for you and me is to know that we are more than conquerors. No matter what we face in our pilgrimage journey, Christ is with us, His love holds us, His goodness sustains us and His grace covers us to the very end. Hallelujah!
So don’t give up, keep laboring in that mission field, keep sending support, keep interceding for missions, keep encouraging missionaries, and continue to be on mission with God even in your workplace and businesses. No matter the opposition and challenges, you are not just a conqueror, you are already more than a conqueror.
Dr. Olakunle Olukotun
National Director, Christian Missionary Foundation
Ibadan, Nigeria.