Topic: More than Conquerors
Text: Romans 8:35-38

a man climbing up the side of a cliffThere is no time that being a true Christian is more difficult than the time we are presently. The evil one dishes out all kinds of adversities on a daily basis just to ensure that we are crippled, polluted, and ultimately defeated. Despite these difficulties, we are to remain steadfast, holding the fort for the gospel. Today’s devotional reminds us that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus and not through our efforts or strategies.

As soldiers of the Cross, we are not fighting for victory but from victory. Our victory is already guaranteed, available, delivered, and sealed. We are empowered to overcome any obstacle through Christ’s love. This empowerment enables you to face challenges with courage and confidence. Paul’s persuasion is rooted in the depth of God’s love. He lists various things that cannot separate us from God’s love, emphasizing that nothing can break the bond between God and His children.

As God’s army, we can have unshakable confidence in God’s love and presence. This confidence enables you to face challenges with courage and perseverance, knowing that God is with us and empowers us to enforce the victory of Christ at Calvary over every situation. As you hold the fort for the gospel, especially in places termed as difficult but not impossible because nothing is impossible with our God, remember that we are not alone. God is with us and His love and presence empower us to overcome any obstacle. We are more than a conqueror, and God’s glory will be revealed through our ministries.

Action Plan
1. Reflect on the challenges you face as a missionary and how they make you feel.
2. Read Romans 8:35-39 again, and let the truth of God’s love and presence sink deep into your heart.
3. Write down ways you can apply the confidence and empowerment of being “more than a conqueror” to your daily life and ministry.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding me that I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. I acknowledge the challenges I face, but I confess that Your love and presence empower me to overcome daily. Help me to hold the fort for the gospel, even in the midst of adversity. Give me unshakable confidence in Your love and presence. May I emerge victorious, strengthened, and empowered for Your glory.

Evangelist Samuel Yahaya,
Global Glorious Missions, Kaduna

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