Ramadan Prayer Diary: Day 30, 9th April, 2024

The Ramadan Moon sets, but the Harvest continues. Will you join the harvest force?

As the golden crescent moon dips below the horizon, marking the end of Ramadan, a different kind of light shines brightly – the light of opportunities. This Holy Month has been a time of reflection and spiritual growth for our Muslim cousins, and as Christians, we see a chance to sow seeds of understanding and perhaps, even witness the harvest of faith.

Many Muslims are more open to spiritual conversations after Ramadan. Their hearts are softened by prayer and focused on their connection to God. This presents a unique opportunity for us to build bridges of friendship and share the love of Christ.

The harvest is plentiful and God is still actively recruiting men for the harvest of the nation, most importantly among muslims. Consider the abundance of souls waiting to hear the life-transforming message of Christ, waiting to experience the freedom found in His love. The fields are ripe with hearts ready to receive the good news of salvation. Will you be one of the labourers, willing to join the mighty harvest force that God is assembling for this crucial season?

Will you commit to being a labourer in this abundant harvest?

Here are three simple steps you can take:

  1. Pray: Continue to fervently pray for our Muslims. Pray for divine encounters, softened hearts, and the revelation of Christ’s love to permeate their lives.
  2. Build Relationships: Actively engage with your Muslim neighbours, co-workers, or friends. Building genuine relationships creates a bridge for the love of Christ to flow naturally.
  3. Share Your Testimony: Your personal journey with Christ is a powerful testimony. Share it with others, including your Muslim friends, and let them witness the transformation that can occur through a relationship with Jesus.

Please pray:

  • Thank the Lord for the success of this year’s Ramadan and this prayer initiative.
  • Pray that God will spur your heart to be involved in the harvest of Muslims around you.
  • Ask God for grace to live right and model Christ to your Muslim neighbours.
  • Ask for open doors for you to take your Muslim friends on the journey of discovering more about Jesus.

Ramadan Prayer Diary: Day 29, 8th April, 2024

Muslim students on Campus

“Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.” Philippians 1:27 NIV

Several years ago, Kabir enrolled in one of the prestigious tertiary institutions in his region. Raised in a predominantly Muslim community, he had minimal exposure to other faiths, leading to a lack of tolerance for beliefs outside of what he is familiar with. However, during his first year at university, Kabir lived in the same room with some Christian students whose lifestyle and discussions gradually influenced him.

Despite initial resistance, Kabir became increasingly open to learning about Christ and engaged in discussions with his friends on the topics of true religion and salvation. By the time he approached his final year, Kabir experienced a significant change in perspective, ultimately deciding to follow Christ and share the gospel with his family and friends upon returning home.

Today, there are numerous individuals like Kabir who encounter opportunities to explore Christianity through interactions with Christian students at various tertiary institutions. While some embrace this opportunity and make life-changing decisions, others remain unchanged or even grow more resistant to the message of Christianity.

Please Pray:

  • Thank God for the many who are coming to know and trust in Jesus Christ on campuses across the world.
  • That God will open doors to share the gospel to Muslim students on campus and Muslim Background Believers leaders will be raised from our campuses.
  • That Muslim students will be more open and receptive to the gospel.

Ramadan Prayer Diary: Day 28, 7th April, 2024

Saki, Nigeria

Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation and thy gates Praise.” Isaiah 60:18, KJV

The journey from Ibadan to Saki made us pass through many fascinating scenery and landscapes. Sights of rural dwellers intersecting with emerging urban features caught our attention. “We are there now”, said our tour guide after sighting the Asabari Barracks. We were welcomed with the beautiful speaking of the Yoruba language with the Onko dialect, popular among the Okeogun people of the northern part of Oyo State The giant hand-held iron pot greeted us at the city centre. “This is a very remarkable symbol of the popular trade of the Saki people”, he added. Saki is on a strategic route linking Southern Nigeria to the North on the western border of the country with the Republic of Benin. Rich in history, Saki is believed to have been a temporary seat of government of the Yoruba kingdom. There is also a strong affiliation of Ogun (the Yoruba god of iron) to Saki.

Being a border town, Saki receives thousands of peoples on daily basis. Trade and commerce is a normal life in the city. Smuggling is not uncommon; a major feature of border cities. It was time for Maghrib prayer. The blast from the horn speakers drove thousands into nearby Mosques. “Our people are very religious. They believe in the teachings of the Prophet and in the Holy Book”, said a local Imam. Islam thrives in the city though Christian missionary effort has been in the city since early 19th century. Saki hosts a high significant number of Muslims. Very unlikely of Southwest Nigeria, where adherents of different faiths cohabit without frequent clashes, Saki witnessed a major religious riot in 2000 resulting in loss of lives and properties as well as destruction of worship centers. The town has not been the same since then.

Please Pray:

  • Thank the Lord for the seed of the gospel which has been sown in Saki many years ago. Ask the Lord to make gospel effort to prosper especially among Muslims in the town.
  • Pray that Christians in Saki will live as light and salt thereby making the Gospel real to those who are yet to accept the Good News.
  • Pray that the Light will shine in the heart of every seeker in the town and particularly among those who are genuinely seeking the Way.

Ramadan Prayer Diary: Day 27, 6th April, 2024

Laylatul Qadr– Night of Power

“You will seek me and fine me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 NIV

Laylat al-Qadr is a period whereby the Muslims believe that Allah sent the entire Holy Quran down from the seventh heaven to the first heaven. It is also known as the Night of Power where Muslims seek to be close and connected to God through dreams, and visions. This they do by spending additional time in prayer at the mosque believing that angels descend to earth with multiple tasks, leading to a night of peace, blessings, and divine guidance.

Although they are not sure which night this was, most Muslims believe that it was sent down during one of the last ten nights of Ramadan. However, Shia Muslims observe it on the 23rd night of Ramadan while the Sunni Muslims observe it on the 27th night of Ramadan.

It is believed to be the night in which heaven is opened and God responds to prayer in a way unlike any other night of the year as such they involve themselves in charity, strive hard to earn the pleasure of Allah and seek his forgiveness. Muslims believe that night is more spiritually blessed than a thousand months.

Please pray

  • Ask that God’s mercy and wisdom be poured out abundantly on this night, bringing clarity and purpose to the hearts of those earnestly seeking Him.
  • Pray that the desire for peace, blessings, and divine connection will draw Muslims into a closer relationship with the Lord, leading to a lasting impact on their spiritual journey.
  • Pray for a revelation of the person of Jesus for everyone who waits and search this day. Ask that their hearts be flooded with light and stirred towards the truth which sets free.

Ramadan Prayer Diary: Day 26, 5th April, 2024

Hadejia, Nigeria

The righteous will flourish like the date palm. They will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.” Psalm 92:12

The date palms are so big and fresh. They taste different from the ones sold in the central part of the country. “Our land, though in the Savannah, is blessed by God. The wetland that stretches into the neighbouring state is simply an oasis in the desert. We grow cotton, millet, sorghum, rice, groundnuts just to mention a few. We also engage in fishing activities. God has His imprint in this land. I think He did so, so that from beholding His handiwork, the people might embrace Him.” Those were the words of an indigenous missionary as we exited Hadejia for our next destination.

A town rich in history, Hadejia previously known as Biram, is considered as one of the seven true Hausa states (Hausa Bakwai). It is believed to have been ruled by one of the descendants of Bayajidda. The latter is revered as the father of the Hausa race. It became a Fulani emirate after its conquest in the 1810 war. Yet, Hadejia resisted British occupation in 1906.

Islam is the prominent religion among the indigenous people in the commercial town.  Many numbering over a million and resident in the town daily pray to be shown the perfect way which the righteous are graciously shown. Will you passionately pray today that their heart-cry be granted by Him who is the Way, the Truth and the Light.

Please Pray:

  • Pray that as resident of Hadejia behold the splendour of nature and the yield of their harvest, their hearts will be drawn to the Master Designer.
  • Pray that the Lord will send into Hadejia, gospel labourers who are divinely equipped to multiply obedient disciples.
  • Ask the Lord to break every resistance to the Truth and that every veil be removed.

Ramadan Prayer Diary: Day 25, 4th April, 2024

Sokoto, Sokoto State

And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.1 John 5:20 ESV

Situated in the far northwest region of the country, as of 2005, this state boasts an estimated population exceeding 4.2 million. Being the nucleus of the former Sokoto Caliphate, the city predominantly follows the Islamic faith and serves as a pivotal center for Islamic education within Nigeria. The Sultan, who leads the caliphate, assumes the role of spiritual guide for Nigerian Muslims.

During the 19th century, under the reign of the Fulani Empire, Sokoto emerged as a significant Fula state and urban center within what was then west central Nigeria. Enclosed by the arid Sahel, with sandy savannah and solitary hills encompassing it, Sokoto endures soaring temperatures, particularly from February to April, when daytime highs can surpass 45 °C (113.0 °F).

Although European colonists abolished the political authority of the caliphate, the title of sultan was retained and remains an important religious position for Sunni Muslims in the city to the current day. The Sokoto jihad, initiated by Usman dan Fodio, served as inspiration for similar movements across the Sudanian Savanna and the Sahel, establishing Islamic states in present-day Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast, Chad, the Central African Republic, and Sudan.

Sokoto holds so much religious significance for the Muslims as they have diverse historical antecedents.

Please Pray:

  • That the heart of the indigenous people will be open to the gospel, beginning from the leaders.
  • That there will be an emergence of church planting movements in the Caliphate.
  • That God will raise spirit-filled labourers for the work in this city, people who won’t give up till God’s glory burst forth in the city and it environs.

Ramadan Prayer Diary: Day 24, 3rd April, 2024

Almajiri in Nigeria

They wander about for food and growl if they are not satisfied.” Psalm 59:15

He dipped his right hand into the pink plastic bowl. Then, he fetched some palm-oiled concotioned rice, tilted his head slightly backwards to allow his hand drop the meal into his mouth. He noticed that I was watching. He smiled releasing some droplets of the red oil on his jaws. The friendly eye contact drew me closer. His trousers were of unequal length and a different shade from the V-neck top. I guess the original colour must have been white, it is now looking palish brown.

“I am fourteen years old. My mother has eight of us for my father who has eleven other children from two other wives. I am the fifteenth of the nineteenth children. My mother enrolled me in the Quranic school when I was four. The Malam teaches us from the holy book though we do more of memorising it. To survive daily, we are sent into the streets where we fend for ourselves by appealing to kind hearted people to give us money. But our main need is just food; so we often go around restaurants hoping to have something to eat.” Sani said looking helpless. It is obvious he would have preferred a better life if only he knows how to arrive at it.

Such is the fate of about eight million mostly male children and teens and popularly found on the streets in most northern cities and towns in Nigeria. They are popularly referred to as Almajiri, an Hausa word derived from the Arabic word Al-muhajir meaning someone who migrates from his home in search of Islamic education. They are under the tutelage of an Islamic teacher (Malam). When not engaged in learning, they are found on the streets usually begging or roaming around in search of food. Religious extremists find them easily accessible and available to use for their ulterior motives.

Please Pray

  • Ask the Lord to show forth His mercies on many trapped in the Almajiri system.
  • Pray for divine encounters for the boys as they roam about in search of livelihood.
  • Beseech the Lord to bring hope and grace unto these ones and that their lot may not be destroyed.

Ramadan Prayer Diary: Day 23, 2nd April, 2024

Yola, Adamawa State

“He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 (NIV)

Yola, deriving its name from the Fulani language word “yolde,” signifies a settlement on an elevated terrain. This vibrant city serves as the capital and administrative hub of Adamawa State, Nigeria. Established in 1841 by the commander of Sheik Usman Danfodio, Modibbo Adama, the Fulani founder of the Adamawa emirate, Yola became the political center during his jihad against the indigenous Batta and Verre peoples.

The majestic Lamido’s Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, stands as a tangible reminder of the Fulani conquest over this domain. The title “Lamido” translates to “commander” or “leader,” and the Lamido of Adamawa holds immense cultural and political influence, particularly in Yola. This position is hereditary, with a lineage tracing back to Modibbo Adama himself. With the Lamido’s palace in Yola, it makes the headquarters of the Fulani nation in Nigeria.

Functioning as an agriculturally driven state, Yola relies heavily on livestock and the cultivation of various crops, including cotton, groundnuts, millet, cassava, guinea corn, and yams. The city plays a pivotal role in sustaining the economic activities of the region. In terms of religious diversity, Yola accommodates a substantial Christian population, representing the largest minority religion in a predominantly Muslim state. This coexistence of different religious communities adds a layer of cultural richness and tolerance to the social fabric of Yola. The unique blend of historical significance, economic activities, and religious diversity makes Yola a unique and dynamic city within the Nigerian landscape.

Please Pray

  • Lift up the youth of Yola to the Lord. Ask the Lord to bless them with opportunities for education, skills development, and meaningful participation in shaping the city’s future. Pray that the Lord will empower them to be agents of positive change and hope.
  • That believers in this city will maximize the open nature of this city to the gospel and preach the gospel to friends and family.
  • That Muslims will encounter Christ personally in this city during this month of Ramadan.

Ramadan Prayer Diary: Day 22, 1st April, 2024

Daura, Katsina State

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 NKJV

Situated in the savanna zone, Daura serves as a crossroads for travellers from Katsina, Kano, Zango, and Zinder (Niger). Daura, nicknamed “The Old City,” boasts a rich historical legacy that extends far beyond its impressive walls and arts. This ancient settlement, whose name translates to “blacksmith” in the Tuareg language, was founded by a queen and remarkably ruled by women during the 9th and 10th centuries. The city stands as a spiritual home and anchor in the Hausa culture, where the rhythms of Islamic traditions echo through the ages. It embodies a rich history that intertwines with legends of Bayajida (Abuyazidu), believed to be a son of the king of Baghdad and the founder of the Hausa tribe. Their descendants became the seven rulers of the Hausa Bakwai (The Seven True Hausa States), creating a Hausa state that transcended the borders of present-day Nigeria and Niger.

The ancient city of Daura is a living testament to the intersection of tradition and faith. To the people living here, faith is not merely a facet of life; it is the heartbeat that resonates through the minarets of its mosques. A city cloaked in the mystique of time, it whispers tales of its place as one of the Hausa Kingdoms’ oldest settlements.

Daura, like many Nigerian cities, grapples with the challenges of rapid development. Balancing tradition with modernization, addressing issues like poverty and unemployment, and fostering interfaith understanding are all crucial aspects of Daura’s journey in the 21st century. The city’s strong sense of hospitality can be harnessed to create Christ-centered support networks, fostering a spirit of fellowship and service that transcends religious boundaries.

Please Pray:

  • That the message of God’s love will resonate with the hearts of the people in Daura, offering them hope, purpose, and a foundation for a meaningful life.
  • For the preservation of Daura’s rich cultural heritage amidst the changes and advancements, that the traditions defining the city may continue to thrive.
  • Lift up the leaders of Daura, praying for wisdom and vision to address infrastructure needs, enhance educational opportunities, and create sustainable economic growth for the community.

Ramadan Prayer Diary: Day 21, 31st March, 2024

Kano, Kano State

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Kano’s rich history as a trade center makes it an undeniable heavyweight in Nigerian commerce. This legacy is reflected in its enduring slogan, “Center of Commerce.” The city is one of the seven legitimate Hausa states – Hausa bakwai identified in the Bayajidda legends which explain the origin of Hausa states.

Kano is the second most populated city in Nigeria (Worldmeter). The city is mostly populated by the Hausa and Fulani people and attracts individuals from various states within and beyond the federation who engage in diverse business activities, with many choosing to settle in the city.

Despite its commercial prominence, Kano has grappled with significant religious conflicts. Notable are the 1980 eruption, and the 1982 violence, which marked the first large-scale religious clash in Kano, originating from the Fagge settlement. Additionally, the 1991 religious riot aimed at curbing the rapid spread of Christianity in northern Nigeria resulted in numerous casualties. Salvation within the walls of Kano city will have ripple effect on the salvation of many others in Northern Nigeria. There are a number of ongoing mission effort in the city, and testimonies abound.

Please Pray

  • Thank the Lord for the many conversions already recorder in the city, and for the effort of the missionaries in this land
  • That the peace of God, that transcends all understanding, will fill the heart of the people in the city.
  • That there will be an outbreak of revival leading to faith communities springing up from the heart of the city.