Sokoto, Sokoto State

And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.1 John 5:20 ESV

Situated in the far northwest region of the country, as of 2005, this state boasts an estimated population exceeding 4.2 million. Being the nucleus of the former Sokoto Caliphate, the city predominantly follows the Islamic faith and serves as a pivotal center for Islamic education within Nigeria. The Sultan, who leads the caliphate, assumes the role of spiritual guide for Nigerian Muslims.

During the 19th century, under the reign of the Fulani Empire, Sokoto emerged as a significant Fula state and urban center within what was then west central Nigeria. Enclosed by the arid Sahel, with sandy savannah and solitary hills encompassing it, Sokoto endures soaring temperatures, particularly from February to April, when daytime highs can surpass 45 °C (113.0 °F).

Although European colonists abolished the political authority of the caliphate, the title of sultan was retained and remains an important religious position for Sunni Muslims in the city to the current day. The Sokoto jihad, initiated by Usman dan Fodio, served as inspiration for similar movements across the Sudanian Savanna and the Sahel, establishing Islamic states in present-day Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast, Chad, the Central African Republic, and Sudan.

Sokoto holds so much religious significance for the Muslims as they have diverse historical antecedents.

Please Pray:

  • That the heart of the indigenous people will be open to the gospel, beginning from the leaders.
  • That there will be an emergence of church planting movements in the Caliphate.
  • That God will raise spirit-filled labourers for the work in this city, people who won’t give up till God’s glory burst forth in the city and it environs.

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