Topic: Ordinary Men doing extra-ordinary exploits in the Ministry of Jesus
Text: Luke 2:8-9

Photorealistic portrait of people taking care of sheep at the farmGod’s use of ordinary people like you and me seems to be significant in the story of the life and ministry of Jesus. From Herod to the wise men, to Mary and Joseph, the selection was not from the Levites and priests. From today’s text, it was the shepherd at work, not in the Tabernacle or temple of the Lord. God seems to be making a clear point that we all can be a part of the story no matter what sector of the society we are in.
The Angel of the Lord visited the shepherd while at work. Their duty post was a conducive atmosphere for them to pay attention to divine encounter. God’s eyes are looking everywhere for those who are available and obedient to his call to duty. The angel of the Lord dealt with their fright, in verse 10. It is significant for the messengers to be the first beneficiaries of the message they carry for their world, in that way their excitement will affect the way they carry their message and reflect in their presentation. Don’t be afraid, you won’t lose your life. God will not allow you to be ashamed. He will defend his mission in your hands.

The Shepherds went on an errand that was delivered immediately. Verse 16-17, the Bible says: They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the Baby, lying in the manger. After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what has happened and what the Angel has said to them about this child. The shepherds in the field brought the news to the Priests, the Levites, the Doctors of the Law, the philosophers etc. Those who may question God and analyze His instructions before taking action lost the relevance to lay men on the field. The result was phenomenal, “All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished, but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often” (V. 18-19). The whole world is waiting for the good news from your lips. They don’t care which village or hamlet you came from, the school you attended or did not attend, one visit from the Lord and your sensitivity to his instruction can change your generation. Be sensitive to the signals to be both correct and current. You will not only be victorious but you will lead cities and nations to victory.

1. Pray that believers will be sensitive to God’s call and available for His use, regardless of their background or status. Ask for the grace to recognize divine encounters even in daily work and responsibilities.

2. Ask God to remove every fear and doubt that hinders His people from proclaiming the Good News. Pray for courage and excitement in sharing the message of Christ, just as the shepherds did.

3. Pray that the testimonies and witness of ordinary believers will astonish many and lead to the transformation of lives, cities, and nations for God’s glory.

Dr. Sylvanus Ukafia
Snr Pastor Insight Bible Church,
Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria


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