Topic: Come over to Macedonia and help us!
Text: Acts 16:9, Isaiah 6:8
Nigeria currently has a population of 217.9 Million, 51.6% of which identify with Christianity. Approximately 26% of the Christian Population in Nigeria is Evangelical. Meaning there are over 54.5 million Bible believing, great commission obedient Christ followers in Nigeria. If we give Just 1% of that population as cross-cultural Missionaries, Nigeria should have 545,000 cross cultural missionaries serving among the unreached across the nations of the world. Current statistics show there are only about 15,400 cross cultural missionaries of Nigeria origin from the over 180 NEMA Member agencies serving across 197 countries of the world.
Vision 5015 Plus of NEMA is a project commissioned in July 2022 at NEMA’S 40TH Anniversary to build on the gains of Vision 5015 project, which facilitated the mobilization of over 4000 cross cultural missionaries to 34 mostly Islamic dominated countries in the 10/40 window between 2005 and 2020.
In July 2023, there was a National Missions Mobilization Conference, declaring the Vision 5015 plus project as a deliberate attempt to increase the number of cross-cultural missionaries from Nigeria by at least 4000 targeting the core north of Nigeria, the Sahel nations and North Africa within 5 years, that is from 2024 to 2028. This is taking a major bite off the larger chunk and to keep expanding the coverage with time. Be a major stake holder in this project, publicize this historic pursuit in your circle of influence. Mobilize Church leaders, Christian youths of all denominations to pray, give, go and serve as senders. Pray for many to be recruited into the Caleb’s generation and kingdom army taking the risk to bring the blessing of Abraham to Muslim nations. This is the Macedonia call to the Church in Nigeria.
- NEMA is 42 years today. Bless the Lord for the life, obedience and commitment of NEMA’s founding fathers. Ask the Lord to preserve the godly heritage that NEMA is.
- Pray that NEMA’s relevance be preserved. Ask the Lord to cause the association to effectively mobilise the Nigerian Church towards fulfilling her prophetic mandate of reaching the nations.
- Pray that Vision5015+ will be a reality.