Topic: The Church Exists for the Harvest
Text: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” Matthew 24:14.
The gospel of the Kingdom of God is a central message in the Bible. It is the Good News that God’s Kingdom is coming to earth, and that Jesus Christ will reign over all. The gospel of the Kingdom calls people to turn from their sins, trust in Jesus Christ, and begin a new life, symbolized by baptism. Matthew 24;14 emphasizes the importance of spreading the gospel of the Kingdom to all nations.
The Church’s mission, is thus, to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God and make disciples throughout the world, teaching them the things Jesus taught. This follows that the work of the Church continues in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, and it will not cease when the original disciples died. The scope was to cover the whole world and therefore the plan for kingdom expansion had that in mind.
The Church exists by mission. Missions these days do not have to cross the oceans or indeed be in foreign lands. It may be at a sub-urban area or the other end of the city. In all of these, we intend to reach those that are yet to hear about the gospel of salvation and may be resident next door or on the next street. The disciples started from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the rest of the world. They started from the known to the unknown. Let’s follow the same example. Start from your neighbourhood and trust the Lord to take you to the uttermost part of the world as the Lord increases your grace.
Replicating this process of reaching the lost as modelled by the early disciples must continue. God forbid that it should stop with us. For how can we possibly stand before Jesus on the final day with the testimony of having received blessing but having refused the responsibility of passing it on?
Furthermore, the Church must have a vigorous missionary sending program. The present generation of young people must know the history of how the gospel came to them – the price that was paid and the sacrifice made for our salvation. Our redemption was sealed with Christ’s death at Calvary and continued through the apostles and missionaries (Col 1:24) who remained as faithful witnesses of the finished work of Christ.
Finally, sharing the gospel with the lost is a task for all believers. Some of the simple ways we can use to sustain this process include:
- a) pray for the lost and for the Holy Spirit to guide you. Pray for the hearts of the lost to be open to the gospel message;
- b) be intentional about sharing the gospel with others. Look for opportunities to share the gospel with those around you;
- c) don’t be afraid to share the gospel.
- d) be bold in your sharing;
- e) use creative ways to share the gospel. For example, you can use music, art, or drama to share the gospel message;
- f) ensure that witnessing becomes a lifestyle;
- g) sharing the gospel is a process. It may take time for the message to sink in and for people to respond;
- h) act in love and be kind to those you are witnessing to. Love is a powerful force that can break down barriers and open hearts to the gospel message;
When you observe these simple tips, they will help you sustain your efforts and desire to reach the lost with the gospel. It must be noted that what God expects of us is to keep sharing the message of hope and salvation with those around you.
Pray that:
- All believers will respond to the urgency of sharing the gospel with the lost.
- Our Churches will be burdened to reach the unreached in their neighbourhood.
- The Church will prioritize praying, supporting, giving and sending for the work of Missions.
- There will be collaboration and synergy between the Church and the missions movement.
Andrew Gwaivangmin
Executive Secretary, NEMA
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