Topic: Harvesting at God O’clock
Text: John 4:35-38

Side view women working outdoorsJesus was intense and intentional about the harvest. It was passion and core focus of His ministry. You cannot read the gospel carefully and miss His heart and burden for the harvest. To Him, nothing really matters at all if it does not matter to God and His glory among all peoples. In every encounter with both Jews and gentiles; in virtually all His miracles and through all His parables, the harvest was always in the front burner.
He came for the harvest. He lived and died for the harvest. He actually called harvesting His food, the sustenance, or the nourishment of His being. To ignore the harvest is to fail the litmus test of a true disciple. Harvest without a labourer is a tragedy. He establishes the Church, as His labour force, for the harvest. To misunderstand or misinterpret the harvest and its season is disastrous! He once stunned on His followers in today’s text (John 4:35-38).
This jolted their fixed minds. A striking and consequential disruption of their calculation of times and seasons. Shifting attention from the burden in verse 34 to the timing and consequence of our harvest involvement. A heart for the harvest will help us gain some understanding of thrust in this passage:

•Jesus says, it is God o’clock! It is harvesting time. Take another look at what time and season you are in. It is time to bring in the sheaves. Don’t suspend your fruitfulness. If you read God’s time piece, harvest is right now upon us.
•Don’t postpone the harvest. Understand God’s seasons. Appropriate God’s season of the harvest and enter into the harvest. Don’t delay the celebration. Throne room will soon be filled with people from all tongues, language, peoples and nations.
•Sowing is ongoing, so is the harvest. The reapers and the planters are on duty together. You can’t be in and be left out, except by your own choosing. It is God O’clock. The harvest season is spaced to allowing fresh sowing, same time.
•At God O’clock the harvesters are being paid. If you enter into their harvest, you get something eternal for your labour. There is a lot more to harvest than your limited struggling efforts could grasp. The generation of starters are re-released into the generation of the finishers.
When your seasons and their harvests are God-timed, you’re harvesting at God o’clock! When you sow in the God’s a plot, you reap at God o’clock. In God’s calendar, every season has a harvest, and every harvest has its own season!

May our time piece be set to synchronize with God O’clock.
May the Lord connect our hearts with His timing for our seasons of the harvest.
May we not miss this revival birthing season of harvest of the nations in the horizon.
May read His piece in ways that help us stop postponing, delaying and denying the harvest.

Rev’d Canon Timothy Olonade, PhD
President, El-Rehoboth Global Missions

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