Topic: United for Kingdom Victory and Triumph
Text: “And all the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.” Acts 4:32
The subject of Love and Unity is central to the character of God and cardinal to the achievement of Kingdom endeavors. Consequently, these virtues should be the governing principles in the lives and operations of members of the family of God, more so, in their achievement of the redemptive purpose of God. In fact, God’s Spirit works best in an environment of Love and Unity, when hearts are knit together in love.
In our text today, we see a graphic example of the bond of love and unity among the early Church, such that none felt what they had was their own, so they were able to share freely and voluntarily what they had such that none lacked. That was based on a recognition of other believers as brothers and sisters in the family of God. God’s family works best when its members work together in love and unity. As we celebrate 43 years of collaborative efforts in fulfilling the Great Commission mandate, it is pertinent to bring to the fore again and always, the subject of love and unity for total triumph and victory. As members of the same body of Christ, the design of God is that agencies and churches work together in the areas of their expertise in love and unity to fulfill our part in the Great Commission.
In view of the shortness of the time remaining before the return of our Lord and King, and the huge ground remaining to be covered in completing global evangelization, there is an urgent need for greater networking across Churches and Agencies, to positively harness all the resources of the Church in the spirit of love and unity for a holistic response to finishing the remaining task. Since iron sharpens iron, there must be something you’re doing or have that the rest of the body can benefit from. There might also be something that someone else has that might be just what you need to do even better. We can only know this when we come together in fellowship. This is the basis of NEMA as the national networking association for the Nigerian Church and its mission movement towards fulfilling the mandate of the Great Commission.
Unity has power, and the weakness of the Church and the missions movement in advancing God’s mission is our division. Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church to rebuke them about the personality cults among them, emphasizing that Christ is not divided. The target of Satan is the unity of the Church and the Missions Movement around the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We should not allow him. Every believer should avoid division which is one of the things God hates and as with the early church, renew our minds in the spirit of love and unity to bring speedy completion to this mandate.
Prayer: Build your Church Lord, make us one Lord, deliver us from party spirit, Unify our hearts for the glory of your Kingdom among the unreached in Jesus Name.
Mike Adegbile.
Immediate past Executive Secretary of NEMA
And Movement Catalyst for Go North Initiative.
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