Topic: An Unending Taste of Victory
Text: But no matter what comes, we will always taste victory through Him who loved us. (Romans 8:37, The Voice)
We visited Missionary M and his family serving in one of the troubled zones where insurgents continually carry out unprovoked attacks. They have had to escape from their abode on several occasions but soon return to continue to witness the Savior. We were very worried and concerned about their safety. We even tried to counsel them to consider leaving the place. But the response of Mrs. M remains thought-provoking. She said, “When we made up our mind to serve the Lord as missionaries, it’s with utmost commitment. No matter what comes, we will be at our duty post. He is aware that we are here and so there is no need to bother about us.”
Does that sound like the opening expression of our anchor passage? “But no matter what comes…”
The Lord had us in mind when He spoke through Apostle Paul in Romans 8. Each of the circumstances mentioned in the passage: troubles, hardships, persecutions, hunger, poverty, danger, or even death are situations that we currently face and will still face. It is rather reassuring that the Lord is aware of all of these even beforehand.
The provision He made is even more compelling: “We will always taste victory…”. The audacity of the declaration is something to ponder on! The certainty and frequency of the victory is another to bank and bask on. This verdict is just the same assurance Jesus gave in John 16:33: “…In the world, you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world. [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding]”. Now that is what you called two-step authentication!
Mrs. M apparently understands this provision and has exchanged every sense of anxiety for an unending anticipation to taste victory at every instance of turmoil. As we face the task unfinished and the complexities of reaching the nations, the woes and the miseries, the hate and the rejection, the closure and the despair; the paradox remains that, these all combine to produce a savor of victory. It’s better tasted than missed. Chin up comrades and pilgrims! Behold meals of victory served in plates of anguish. The Master overcame and so we are more than conquerors! Hallelujah!!!
Thank the Lord for the provision and assurance of victory that we have in Him.
Pray that every believer and especially Gospel laborers will find hope in the victory that Christ has provided and be so persuaded to face the remaining task.
Receive strength, grace, and renewed assurance for every kingdom laborer who is currently down and about to give up. Ask that the Word of His grace will come to them afresh.
Dr. Adeoluwa Olanrewaju
Director of Finance and Administration
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