Topic: No Barrier!
Text: “Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded because through him the LORD had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy” (2 Kings 5:1).
This month is greatly regarded by the mission body in Nigeria as the month of missions. In it, we pray the whole country to follow the example of Jesus in yielding Himself to the Father’s will. Naaman did exploit. He was a great man and a man of rank. He brought glory to his nation but he was a leper. He needed help and he needed God as much as his people needed him. You are needed today for His Kingdom service. Wake up from your slumber.
The lesson to learn today is who are you serving and what impediment or impairment have you overcome to see that you stand with the Master of the harvest. Naaman was a leper. But that was not his weakness because he was a valiant man. We cannot take the world from Satan by being timid, weak, frail, or feeble. As a believer, nothing should stand as a barrier to serving the Master. If we are to conquer the devil, we must remove the veil of leprosy as Naaman did and face the duty. The duty of world evangelization.
There is more spiritual leprosy in our time than in Naaman’s time. Anything that stands against the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose is leprosy. May we stand up and stand out for the Kingdom.
Ask the Lord to reveal to you every impediment standing against you and the fulfillment of His task.
Commit to rededicating yourself to His eternal purpose. Ask for His sufficient grace to remain faithful and fruitful.
Bro Gabriel Barau
Executive Director, Go International
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