Topic: Riding to Total Victory on Kingdom Momentum
Text: Romans 8:37

Majestic Stone Castle on a Clifftop Fantasy Fortress ArchitectureNEMA is 43 years today and to God be the glory Great things he has done. Habakkuk Chapter 2:14 says the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea, the product of that reality is in Psalms 86:9 “All nations whom thou has made shall come and worship before thee, Oh Lord; and shall glorify thy name”. But all of that must begin from the Lord raising witnesses for himself from and in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost part of the earth.

Over 4000 years ago, God raised Abraham and his descendants from the lineage of Shem as witnesses to the ends of the earth. At the end of 2000 years and after Israel pioneered and ran with the Gospel from nation to nation, God raised the Romans and the Europeans to serve the same purpose among the Nations. In the last 2000 years after the death, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, the descendants of Japheth served gloriously and were gospel witnesses to all nations, Africa was a beneficiary of all three eras of modern missions pioneered by William Carey, Hudson Taylor, Cameron Townsend, and Donald McGavran respectively, now it is the turn of the descendants of Ham, the black race to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. This baton must not touch the ground until we reach the finishing line. Nigeria is the giant of Africa with a population of over 235 million in 2025 and an estimated 51% Christians. God has invested so much in Nigeria for Africa not to fail. In 2019, Africa was declared the home of Christianity in the world having the largest number of Christ believers than any other single continent of the world.

With Nigeria ranking the country with the most number of evangelical Christians in Africa, the message cannot become clearer than this! Nigeria is the harvest force of the end-time world harvest. Enroll to be counted and to make history.
For me personally, leading the National Executive Council of NEMA at this very challenging season in the life of the nation calls for revelation, humility and courage. My joy is the overwhelming support and resilience of the churches and missions’ community with one another to get the job done despite the daunting challenges of the economy, insecurity, youth unemployment etc. He that called us is faithful. He is able and He is willing. Let’s not break the rank, hand in hand let’s move the great commission to the finishing line. Congratulations on the 43rd anniversary of the Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association (NEMA).

Thank God for the vision and labors that birthed NEMA. Praise Him for the many breakthroughs that has happened through the strategic ministry of networking and catalyzing the Nigerian Church and her missions movement for missions.
Declare God’s blessings on NEMA today. Pray for her leadership at all levels, all missions leaders, missionaries, NEMA friends and partners etc. Ask that the association will receive renewed vigor to pursue God’s purpose among the nations.

Rev David Kanda
National Chairman of NEMA
General Overseer, Harvesters for Christ, Kaduna.

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