Topic: Sustained and Victorious
Text: Romans 8:37

Man suffering from allergy by being exposed to flower pollen outsideYet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God, has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!
For their faith in Christ, believers often face hardship, rejection, and persecution. They are at the front lines of spiritual combat. Still, in Christ, they are not only kept alive but also triumphant. Romans 8:37 gives us great hope: because of Christ’s love, we are “more than conquerors.” This statement doesn’t promise a life without pain, but it does tell us that success is already ours, no matter what problems we face.
The phrase “through Him who loved us” tells us that God’s love for us has always been there for us. When believers meet opposition, they may feel alone or not good enough, but God’s love is always there to hold them up. Romans 8:38–39 makes it clear that nothing can remove us from God’s love in Christ, not even death, life, angels, demons, the present, the future, or powers.

Hold on to this truth: God’s love surrounds me! when we feel rejected or scared. His love is what saved, called to the ministry, gives you the tools you need to do His work, and keeps you strong when things get hard. According to 2 Corinthians 11:23–27, Paul’s life was full of pain, including beatings, disasters, jail time, and going hungry. But he thought these troubles were short-lived compared to the greatness that was to come (2 Corinthians 4:17). In the same way, our trials are not the end of the story. They are opportunities for God to display His power through your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
In John 16:33, Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” As you walk into difficult situations, remember that Christ has already secured the ultimate victory. It doesn’t matter how bad things look for you; you are part of His plan to win.
It’s not enough to just get through hard times to be more than conquerors. You have to thrive in spite of them. With this way of thinking, you need to focus on Christ’s success instead of your problems. Paul and Silas prayed and sang songs while they were in jail (Acts 16:25). Their happiness, which came from Christ, made them a strong witness, and the jailer and his family became Christians because of it.

Know this: your work does not go to waste (1 Corinthians 15:58). God sees every seed planted, every sacrifice made, and every tear shed. Jesus said that those who stay strong would get the gift of life (James 1:12). Focus on the happiness that will last forever in His presence.
Beloved, remember you are not fighting for victory but from victory. Christ’s love secures your triumph over every trial, and His Spirit empowers you to fulfill His mission. Stand firm, knowing that nothing can thwart God’s purposes through you. You are, indeed, more than a conqueror.

Rev Isaac Komolafe
President, Christian Centre for Missions, Family and Leadership Development,
Abuja, Nigeria.

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