Translation of Discipleship Essential Manual into Hausa

As part of our commitment to make discipleship resources available in Northern Nigeria, we are translating the Discipleship Essential Manual into Hausa. This initiative is done in collaboration with TWR Canada and indigenous Hausas from Kano as translators. We translated 7 modules; Recorded 31 Radio Programs; 415 Pages of DE Lesson Essentials, Leader’s Guide and Study Guide.

A mission leader has made commitment to air the TWR Hausa version audio on a renowned radio station in Northern Nigeria.

NEMA Month of Missions 2023

NEMA exists primarily to serve mission organisations in Nigeria. In 2023, we touched based with all registered member agencies. Many of them were supported and encouraged in their various activities of reaching the unreached. Some other services rendered to NEMA member agencies include:

Connecting member agencies to target people groups and communities. Mobilising missionaries for some member agencies. Connecting member agencies to churches and other ministries for partnership purposes. Organisational development consultancy was carried out for eight member agencies. This is towards helping member agencies address their structural and governance issues which are vital to their operations.

NEMAs’ 28days Prayer Bulletin for the UPGs in Nigeria

Through the generous donations of friends, partners and member agencies, we were able to support at least one hundred and fifty missionaries in 2023. About fifty missionaries were also connected to some sort of regular support. We also intervened as the Lord provides for missionaries having health challenges, those needing accommodation, missionary children education support etc.

We supported special mission outreaches with fund, resources such as Bibles, Audio Bibles, Audio-visuals and print Discipleship materials, clothing, food as well as facilitating the movement of missionaries to outreach locations.


The Virtual Missionary

The Gospel has always been the solution to the chaos among men. It is the provision of God to save and redeem men from eternal damnation and restoration of the world. The Gospel is the power of God unto Salvation both to the Jews and the Gentiles! Romans 1: 16.
With about 7.9 billion people on earth and over 2.3 billion of them who have not heard about Jesus, met a believer or understood the Gospel enough to make decision for Jesus, our world. is desperately in need of the Gospel! Unfortunately, most of these people are not only deprived of the Gospel, they are also shielded from accessing the Gospel either by Government restrictions, physical inaccessibility, violence or outright resistance.
However, during Jesus time on earth, he used different means to preach the Gospel. Most of these means were relevant to his audience and easily understood by his listeners. Likewise, during the Apostles time, the Gospel was given to all men and bore much fruits irrespective of location, religion, bias or affiliation. When Jesus was going up to heaven, he commanded his Disciples to make Disciples of all Nations (Matthew 28:19,20) and just after a few decades, the testimony was that the Gospel was bringing forth fruit in all the world! (Colossians 1:5,6). In fact, the people of the world did acknowledge that they were everywhere with the Gospel (Acts 21:27,28).
So how did they do it?
In 1Corinthians 9:18-23 Paul gave an insight. He said he took advantage of every available means to present the Gospel to everyone in every place in the context and form they would understand. To the Jews, he preached the Gospel from the Torah and the Prophets (Acts 13:15- 41), to the Greeks in Athens, he preached to them from their poetic writings and the objects of their worship (Acts 17: 23 -28). Evidently, the early Christians reached their world in spite of the resistance and oppositions because they took advantage of all creative means available!