Topic: Hearts and Hands for the Harvest
Text: Luke 5:6-7
Luke 5 opens with a beautiful narrative of how Jesus met his first set of disciples: Peter, Andrew, James and John, all fishermen at the Lake of Gennesaret. After using the boat belonging to Peter to preach to the crowd, Jesus instructed him to launch out his net into the deep water for a catch. Our text is the result of Peter’s obedience. What can we learn from this narrative?
Firstly, when our hearts are yielded to the instructions of the Lord, the outcome will defy human calculation. It was at the same lake that Peter told Jesus how that they have toiled all night and caught nothing. But once he laid aside his understanding and with a submissive heart took hold of the nets, a miraculous catch followed.
Secondly, when we yield our hearts to the instructions of the Lord, we will need more hands to help harvest the fruits of our willingness. God always gives us, His children, assignments that are bigger than our hearts, so that we may seek the collaboration of like minds to accomplish them. There is an urgent call for more hands to fill “both boats” with fish, that is, the souls of men and women who need to be brought out of the lake of fire into the land of the living. Jesus’ last command in the account says, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men” (Luke 5:10).
So many people who are supposed to have the life of Christ today are yet in the lake of confusion. For how long shall they remain in that state? So many are drawn and drowning in deep waters of sin; in the dungeon of darkness, without God and without hope. Do you not care?
The God who created men everywhere commands all to repent and be saved from eternal damnation. That is where the Father’s heart is…where the unsaved are…everywhere! If your heart has wandered away from the Father’s, then you are telling Him that you do not care about what He longs for, and desire – that none should experience eternal damnation; none should perish.
Dearly beloved, the work of ‘catching’ men and women for Christ requires human and divine partnership. God owns the ‘farm,’ yet is calling us into His harvest fields. “For we are God’s fellow workers…” (1 Corinthians 3:9).
Daniel Bulus
Dean of Academics, NEMI, Jos
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