Topic: Every Christian has a Role in Sharing the Gospel
Text: Now Stephen, full of grace and power, was performing great wonders and miraculous signs among the people. Acts 6:8 (NET).
There are many Churches in Nigeria today than any other time in History. Nigeria has the highest number of Christians in Africa and has one of the fastest growing Churches in the world today. Yet not all these Churches are focused on proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom. Mission today depends on people that have a passion to reach the unreached no matter their job, training or professional background. Whatever skills, gifts or talent God has given you he needs it for missions (1 Peter 4:10–11).
Our active involvement in Church activities, no matter how important, does not exempt us from proclaiming the truth of the Gospel. It is truly the responsibility of every Christian to spread the salvation message even if that is not their primary role in the church. It must not be left to the Pastors, Evangelists, Mission Board or the Evangelism Committee. In Acts Chapter 6:1-7, Stephen and Philip were chosen to serve food so that the Apostles could focus on ministry work and studying the word. Even though both were given a specific job in the church, they did not allow that to be all they did. Stephen performed signs and wonders. He even preached the message of Jesus all the way up until the moment of his death (Acts 7:54–59).
Phillip, like Stephen, preached to anyone he could meet. While his primary role in the church was to serve, he still went outside the church proclaiming the good news and making disciples in the city; Philip went down to the main city of Samaria and began proclaiming the Christ to them – Acts 8:5 (NET); He told them the Good News of the Scripture; So, Philip started speaking, and beginning with this scripture proclaimed the good news about Jesus to him. Acts 8:35 (NET).
Philip and Stephen show us that no matter the role you play, you are required to spread the gospel. This is the Heartbeat of God, and it is what he wants His disciples (people) to do. Every Christian has the responsibility to share the gospel with as many people as possible. Missionaries cannot accomplish this on their own, it will require the involvement of every believer to complete the Great Commission. He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15 (NET).
Let’s take responsibility by starting to proclaim the good news of the gospel now. If we truly want to see more people reached with the Good News, everyone must be involved. We must all do our part to grow the Kingdom of God.
Let’s Pray that;
- Every Church in Nigeria will prioritize missions and deliberately equip Church workers on how to share the good news of the Gospel.
- Christians would have boldness and be living witnesses as they take responsibility to share the gospel.
- Doors will be opened as missionaries share the message of the Gospel with unbelievers and many will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
- God’s word will spread widely as Christians take steps to share the gospel in their neighbourhood.
Andrew Gwaivangmin
Executive Secretary, NEMA
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