Topic: Joy in Soul Winning

TextII Corinthians 13:11

 Joy is a great reward especially to he who has done the expected. The aim of every believer is to be at the camp of those that will finally be rejoicing in the presence of the Master. Meanwhile, while here on earth it is expected that every believer inculcate the attitude of rejoicing especially when it involves the following:

  1. Restoration of Souls to Christ:- The harvest is truly plentiful as indicated by the Master (Matt. 9:37). As such there is need for more hands and effort geared towards the restoration of these lives to the Savior while it is yet day. This task should be done diligently and with the attitude of rejoicing as souls are brought to Christ.
  2. Comforting and Agreeing with One Another:- Considering the time and happenings of today in fulfillment of II Tim. 3. The church should be the safest place to both believers and unbelievers. The church should be a place of comfort and agreement. A place where sinners can run to and witness the love of God. Let us be found comforting one another as well as agreeing in reaching out to the lost joyfully.
  3. Living in Peace:- As tribulations, war and crime increase, the Church should be an example of peace through negotiations, teachings and living an exemplary peaceful life. Chaos should not be found in the church for we are the light of the world (Matt. 5:14)

As we go about doing these things; there will be progress in bringing many to God’s kingdom because His love and peace will abound in our lives always.


  • Ask the Lord to eliminate barriers and differences in the church that have caused setbacks in bringing many to the knowledge of God and His Christ.
  • Use John 17:22 to pray for unity in the church as we carry out the Great Commission.

Rev Dr. Salem Baba Lile

Missions Director, UMCA

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