Topic: Heart for the Harvest… Bringing Him Pleasure

Text: Jesus said, my food is to do the pleasure of him who sent me and to make his work complete (John 4:34, BBE)

We are celebrating the Month of Missions. It is easily predictable that each time mission is talked about, the focus is about the unreached, the unengaged, the lost, the unchurched etc. While there is nothing wrong with that, the primary goal of mission is to bring God pleasure among all peoples. We can do every form of activity such as outreaches, mission support, discipleship, training, church planting etc but as long as it does not bring God pleasure, we have missed the mark.

John Piper says, Mission exists because worship does not. That is simply amplifying what Jesus says, mission exists because God is yet to receive pleasure from all peoples. Worship brings God pleasure. As we mark this year’s month of missions, the pursuit should be about the Lord receiving maximum pleasure from our obedience to His eternal purpose.


Let’s take some time to reflect. What would you say is your passion and pursuit? No man was created to live for himself. If the life goal of Jesus, himself God, was to do the pleasure of him that sent him, then there is a whole lot to reconsider. Jesus wasn’t pursuing the “success” of his own ministry. He was not after what comes to him. His singular purpose is to do the pleasure of him that sent him. As long as God is satisfied, he is also satisfied. It was that commitment that took him to the cross. There is no ambiguity. God must receive the fullness of pleasure.


We must be driven by the same commitment and ambition. God must receive pleasure through us. It must become our food. In other words, it must be our passion. By the latter, it means something we do without needing any form of motivation. Many would not be involved in God’s work unless they are certain of what is there to benefit. Such can never bring Him pleasure.



Think about your relationship with the Lord, would you say you have a consistent commitment to bring Him pleasure?


  • Ask the Lord to increase your passion to love Him and to bring Him pleasure.
  • Ask the Lord to help you do away with other passions competing for His love in your heart.
  • Receive grace to be consistent in pleasing Him.

Dr. Adeoluwa F. Olanrewaju

Director of Finance and Admin., NEMA

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