Topic: God’s Business: The Only Work for Man

Text:And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” Luke 2:49 NKJV


These were Jesus’ first words in the Gospel according to Luke. At the age of twelve, Jesus was moved by divine compulsion to do the Father’s will, He had a commitment to His Father’s vision and His own mission. He was engrossed in it that He could sit three days in the temple with the leaders of the temple, listening and asking them questions. Questions that could help Him do His Father’s work, live for His Father’s glory and execute His Father’s purpose. We are here to do God’s will (Matt 6:33), and that His will is love to us and all; advancement of His kingdom (Dan 2:44), sanctification of His children through His Son, Jesus (2Pet 3:9); and ultimately worship from all peoples (1Cor 10:31, Rev 7:9).

For Jesus, He declared a necessity to be in the Father’s work- “I must be at my father’s business” Are we Christ-like? Would it not change our lives a little if we felt this must as Jesus felt it? We feel that we must be about the business of our family and career; but we too often regard our Father’s business as something for secondary attention, to be taken up or left according to convenience. There is too often no must in our case. We find it written about Christ that “He must need go through Samaria,” (John 4:4) and He Himself said, “I must preach the kingdom of God” (Luke 4:31); and again to Zaccheus, “I must abide in thy house” (Luke 19:5); and again, “I must work the works of Him that sent his.” (John 9:4) — indeed, He is about His Father’s business. Do you and I feel this Divine “must” as we ought? Is necessity this laid upon us? (1 Cor 9:16). Let us stop being Marthas, who are cumbered about much serving, rather than Marys, whose whole souls go out in love to the Master (Luke 10:41-42). Let us abide with our Father, knowing Him and loving Him more. Let us live for Him and be His true Ambassadors. Let us do away with all excuses and get involved in His mission. Let it be clear by our words and actions that we are “about our Father’s business.”

This same Jesus when He emerged from Nazareth, eighteen years later, the Father was able to say of Him, “Thou art My beloved Son; in Thee I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22). May the Father be able to say that about us!

-How do my daily actions reflect a commitment to the Father’s business?
-In what areas of my life can I prioritize God more intentionally?


  • Heavenly Father, ignite within us a passion for Your business that surpasses worldly pursuits.
  • Grant us the wisdom to discern Your will in the midst of life’s distractions.
  • May our hearts be attuned to Your voice, and our actions be a testament to the love and grace You bestow upon us. Help us to share this with others.


Bolarinwa Oluwole

Ag. Director MELR, NEMA

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